chapter 20 - skin diseases and disorders

the signs of aging are influenced by factors such as the sun, health habits, lifestyle and


the percentage of skin aging that is caused by the rays of the sun is approximately

80-85 %

the uv rays of the sun reach the skin in 2 different forms which are

UVA and UVB rays

wrinkling and sagging of the skin are caused by weakening collagen fibers and

elastin fibers

UVB rays contribute to the body's synthesis of vitamin D and other important


daily moisturizers or protective lotions should have a sunscreen with and SPF of at least


the american cancer society checklist used to recognize skin cancer is

asymmetry, border, color, diameter

a salon should not service a client who is suffering from

inflammed skin disorder

a small circumscribed elevation of the skin that contains no fluid but may develop pus is


an abnormal cell mass resulting from excessive multiplication of cells and varying in size, shape and color is a


a crack in the skin that penetrates the dermis is a


the UVA rays that are deep penetrating and can go through a glass window are

aging rays

keratin filled cysts that appear just under the epidermis and have no visible openings are


a thin plate of dry or oily epidermal flakes in the scalp area is referred to as


sebum from a comedo exposed to the environment turns black and


comedones should be removed under antiseptic conditions using proper

extraction procedures

a chronic skin condition characterized by inflammation of the sebaceous glands is


an inflammation of the sebaceous glands characterized by dry or oily crusting or itching is

seborrheic dermatitis

a dry scaly skin condition due to a deficiency or absence of sebum caused by old age or exposure to the cold is


a disorder of the sweat gland caused by excessive exposure to the heat is

miliaria rubra

a painful itching skin disease with dry or moist lesions that a physician needs to treat is


a contagious recurring viral infection characterized by blisters on the lips or nostrils is

herpes simplex

the medical term for abnormal skin inflammation is


prolonged or repeated direct skin contact with chemicals has to potential to cause

allergic reactions

the chemicals released by the immune system to enlarge the vessles around an injury are


surprisingly, a very common salon irritant is

tap water

abnormal brown or wine colored skin discoloration with a circular and irregular shape is a


the absence of melanin pigment from the body and skin sensitivity to light are signs of


a spot or blemish spot of the skin that requires medical attention if there is a change is a


the most common type of skin cancer characterized by light or pearly nodules is

basal cell carcinoma