Comms 302

Which refers to the "deeper meaning of something?


The study of signs and their meanings is called


True or False: Everything communicates a message, whether intended or not


The primary objective of this class is...

that we leave as more critical consumers of media.

Signs are differentiated from other signs within the_____ or code to which it belongs


pop culture is a commercial culture aimed at providing entertainment to a ______ audience


______ culture was a term used to describe the culture of the "masses" in pre-industrial america.

low (this is pre mass communication, and they had high culture vs low culture) This is the easier to access culture. This is pre-pop culture. now it is not as divided. Mass culture use to be low culture bc high culture wasn't accessible, now mass culture

Psychological obsolescence is one kind of planned obsolescence. What is the other kind.

The other is functional Obsolescence (this is when they plan for it and design it so it breaks sooner).

_______ of a desire is the association of a logically unrelated desire with an actual product.

commodification. Think the extra Gum commercial.

true or false: music is often used as a means of regulating emotions.


Ryan______ brought us Keeping up with the kardashians


Name one way a celebrity endorsement can help a presidential candidate.

- It makes the candidate seem more relatable
- It increases attendance at events
- They give money as well

During the presidential election cycle, voting comes


The Consumer Cycle
Fill in the blank

producers need consumers to buy >>> Stylistic change >>> Mass Production>>> Advertising and selling of goods >>> Consumers enjoy it >>> Producers need consumers to buy again.

True or false america is a producing company

false, we are a consumer society

Three eras of TV

Network era (abc abc css)
Post Network era ( netflix, streaming, recording software) whatever we want, whenever we want, wherever we want.

most watched weekly in 1972

all in the family

The orienting response refers to a physiological reaction to sudden changes of ______ and or movement

light (watching tv is stimulating for more reasons then the content alone, but also because of the changes and movement of light.) our bodies our just built this way. We naturally want to pay attention, maybe because of natural engrained instincts of the

which of the following did not endorse Bernie sanders

caitlyn Jenner

what were some of the connoted or deeper meanings communicated (whether intended or not) in the super bowl halftime show.

Beyonce's Dance (in the choreography it was suggesting marcom X. The costumes were to reflect black panther styles. The lyrics were anti-cop violence. etc.) Coldplay, they had all the rainbow colors (gays rights). In the stands it read Love Wins.