Acute Test 3

When is hemodynamic monitoring used for a patient?

Monitoring of cardiac conditions, sepsis, respiratory distress, shock- when their condition can deteriorate quickly
Watch immediate cardiac response to meds, ventilation

What are the indications that a patient needs hemodynamic monitoring?

Deficiency of cardiac function (CAD), neuro-, cardio-, or anaphylactic shock
Decreased urine output due to GI bleed, surgery, burns, etc

Pulmonary Artery Lines are AKA..?

PA Line
Swan Ganz

Where/ how are pulmonary artery lines placed?

Through a major vein- jugular, subclavian, sometimes femoral--> through vena cava--> right atria --> right ventricle --> pulmonary artery (confirmed with X-ray before you move them)

List the components of a Swan- Ganz (5)

1) Proximal- measures CVP/ RAP and delivers bolus for cardiac output measurements
2) Distal- measures PAP
3) Balloon- pulmonary wedge pressure
4) Thermistor- core body temp
5) Infusion- fluids

Phlebostatic axis

level of transducer

Preload is

-the degree of muscle fiber stretching in the ventricles right before systole
-"filling pressures"
-amount of blood in the ventricle before it contracts
-related to EDV


Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure- pulmonary circulation is so compliant it can measure pressures on left side of heart
-known as LV preload
-can also measure LVEDP, LAP, LV preload


Central Venous Pressure
normal is 0-8 mmHg
CVP also= RAP, RVEDP, RV preload


any resistance the ventricles have to pump against to eject their volumes
"resistance flow"
influenced by blood volume, ventricle size, vascular distensibility


Systemic Vascular Resistance
measurement of left ventricular afterload


Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
reflection of right ventricular after load

Cardiac Output

heart rate x stroke volume

Cardiac Index

CO adjusted for body surface area


Pulmonary Artery Pressure
equal to RVP

complications of monitoring

1) infections
2) thrombosis/embolism
3) catheter wedges permanently- too far into pulmonary artery, can cause pulmonary infarction, notify MD
4) Ventricular irritation- catheter migrates back into right ventricle, can cause ventricular tachycardia, notify

Central Venous Catheter

hooked up to transducer
used to monitor right heart function
CVP 0-8

Arterial Lines (A-Lines)

in brachial, radial, or femoral artery
SBP, DBP, and MAP monitered
MAP- perfusion pressure of organs
can't really mobilize if in femoral
ABG measures
hooked up to transducer- must be kept level for accurate readings
pt can lose a lot of blood if dislodged

PT implications of PA line

pt usually on bedrest
be careful to not disrupt lines
avoid movement of bed

Sodium (value and implication)

135- 145 mEq/L
lethargy, confusion
monitor water intake


3.5- 5.5 mEq/L
weakness, potential for dysrhythmias
monitor cardiac rhythms


104- 110 mEq/L
weakness, mental state changes


22-28 mEq
monster kidneys and/or lungs


5-30 mg/ dL
fatigue, lack of concentration
monitor kidneys


0.5-1.5 mg/ dL
fatigue, lack of concentration
monitor kidneys


70-100 mg/ dL (fasting)
>126 is DM
consider a carb snack if <70; give insulin if >240


4-6% if pt doesn't have diabetes
an average over the last 120 days
DM pts. shoot for 6%

1 hour glucose screen for GDM

gestational diabetes mellitus
>140mg/ dL requires further testing
<140 is normal


glucose tolerance test
<140 mg/ dL
>200 is GDM

Total cholesterol

<200 mg/dL
>240 is high risk


5,000- 10,000/uL
<1800 neutropenic precautions


12-18 g/dL
<8 g/dL therapy may be contraindicated, will likely need blood transfusion


<20% will likely have tachycardia, fainting
monitor vitals


<140K- light exercise only
<50K- AROM only w/ some ambulation
<20K- risk for spontaneous bleeding, no teeth brushing

What is normal ICP?

4- 15 mmHg
sustained >20 mmHg is a problem

Name 5 of the early signs of increased ICP

1) confusion/ lethargy
2) dilated/sluggish pupil
3) contralateral paresis
4) blurry vision/ diplopia
5) headache/ seizure

Name some causes of increased ICP

aneurysm, tumor, encephalitis, meningitis,
stroke, TBI

What is CPP?

cerebral profusion pressure

Why should an ICP patient be well ventilated?

to keep the acid/base balance and maximize O2 delivery

What position is best for an ICP patient?

around 30 degrees

describe each monitoring device for an ICP patient:
1) Epidural sensor
2) Subarachnoid bolt
3) Intraventricular catheter (EVD)

1) placed in epidural space, does not drain CSF
2) placed in subarachnoid space, least accurate, cannot drain CSF
3) external ventricular drain/ ventriculostomy
most accurate
can drain CSF- can be bloody, cloudy, or clear
placed in lateral ventricle

Name the PT implications with an ICP patient

ALWAYS talk to the nurse before moving
a change of ICP for > than 5 minutes is concerning
be very careful when changing bed position
be cautious of activities that increase ICP (pain, valsalva, coughing, stress)
nurse MUST clamp drain while PT performs mo

Pulse Oximetry measures ___ which is an indirect measure of ___?

SpO2; SaO2

What do pulse ox units require to get a measurement?

a pulsing arterial bed

What is the most accurate range of a pulse oximeter?

80-100% saturation (<80 is inaccurate)

What will cause erroneous reading with a pulse ox?

fingernail polish, carbon monoxide, dirty site, ambient light, dysrhythmias, movement, hypothermia

Pulse oximetry gives an indications of the pts.'s ___ not ___.

oxygenation; ventilation

Why is CO-oximetry the gold standard for oximeters?

it differentiates types of hemoglobin

How is a PEFR taken?

the pt. takes a deep breath in then blows out as hard and fast as possible into the monitoring mouthpiece

Guidelines for Treatment of Asthma : Red vs. Yellow

50% of less initial rate when compared to past tests
calls for aggressive bronchodilators
go to hospital if still <50% after 15 minutes
look at ABG's--> could be hypercarbia (PaCO2>45) or hypercapnia (PaO2<60)
initial rate 50-80% of normal te