Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Function

Structural Compartments

The three body compartments/cavities consisting of the cranial cavity, thoracic cavity, and abdominopelvic cavity.


Interior space of any hollow organ

Intracellular Fluid

Fluid inside of the cell

Extracellular Fluid

Fluid outside of the cell which includes: plasma and interstitial fluid

Interstitial Fluid

This extracellular fluid is the fluid environment that surrounds most of the cells in the body


This extracellular fluid is the fluid portion in the blood

Cell membrane

This outer surface of the cell is composed mostly of lipids and embedded proteins

Fluid Mosaic Model

The many compartments of the outer surface of a cell are not static, but rather can move and rearrange their distribution. This concept is called what?

Integral Proteins

There proteins are tightly bound to the embrace and the only way they can be removed is by disrupting the membrane structure with detergents or other harsh methods


These are particles of insoluble materials inside a cell that are sometimes called non-membranous organelles


The ______ includes all the material inside the cell membrane except the nucleus


These are small, dense granules of RNA and protein that manufacture proteins under the direction of the cells DNA


Insoluble protein fibers form the cell's internal support system, also called its_________

Motor Proteins

These proteins can convert stored energy into directed movement


These organelles have their own genetic material, and are the primary site of aerobic energy of the cell

Endoplasmic Reticulum

This organelle is a network of interconnected membrane tubes with three major functions: Synthesis, storage, and transport of biomolecules

Golgi Apparatus

This organelle receives proteins made in the endoplasmic reticulum and packages them into vesicles


This organelle in the cell contains all the genetic material used to make proteins and control cell processes


These are small storage vesicles that contain powerful enzymes and act as the digestive system of the cell


These cell to cell anchoring junctions attach to intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton


Compartments are separated by ________

Functions of the Cell Membrane

1) Physical Barrier: separates the internal environment from the external environment
2) Gateway for exchange: Movement of nutrients, wastes, ions, building blocks, and cells products
3) Communication: Receives vital information from other cells
4) Cell S

Lipid Anchored Proteins

These components of the cell membrane are considered "conjugated


These molecules have a polar and non polar ends as well as hydrophobic heads and hydrophilic tails.

Integral Proteins

These membrane components span the entire width of the bilayer

Polar End

The ______ of a phospholid faces the inside or outside of the cell


Houses the genetic material of the cell

Cytoplasmic Vesicles

Sac-like structures that contain materials synthesized by the cell. They are also filled with molecules for secretion or storage

Storage Vesicles

Carry substances used by the cell

Secretory Vesicles

Carry substances that will be used by the cell

Smooth ER

This is where the synthesis of lipids occur

Rough ER

This is where protein modification occurs