Special senses

What part of the external ear helps collect sound?

Outer auricle

What part of the external ear leads sound into the middle and inner ear?

External auditory meatus

What is the name of the membrane separating middle and external ear?

Tympanic membrane

What are the auditory ossicles?

3 of the smallest bones in the body (malleus, incus, stapes)

What is the job of the auditory ossicles?

To transmit vibrations between the eardrum and inner ear, and to amplify sounds

What is the name of the tube that connects the middle ear to the throat and helps maintain pressure?

Auditory (eustachian) tube. It opens only when you yawn/swallow and commonly becomes infected

What part of the inner ear contains hearing receptors and is filled with fluid?


What part of the inner ear contains receptors for equilibrium?

Semicircular canals

What is decibels?

Measure of sound intensity

What do the lacrimal glands and ducts do?

Secrete tears which then drain into the nasal cavity

What part of the eye is transparent, focuses entering light rays, and is known as "the window of the eye


What is the white portion of the eye that is responsible for protecting it?


What part of the eye is known as a transparent capsule which changes shape in order to focus?


What is the colored part of the eye between the lens and cornea?


What is the opening in the center of the iris which regulates the amount of light entering the eye?


What is the watery fluid that fills the anterior chamber (front of the eye)?

Aqueous humor

What part of the eye contains photoreceptors?


What is the jelly-like substance which fills the posterior chamber?

Vitreous humor

What are photoreceptors?

Modified neurons in the retina which are stimulated by light

What is the type of photoreceptor that provides vision in dim light, is responsible for colorless vision, and general outlines?


What do the cones of the eye do?

Detect colors and sharp images

What is the area of sharpest vision called with many cones and no rods?

Fovea centralis

What eye condition means you can see close but not far (nearsighted) and what causes it?

Myopia, caused by eyeball being too long

What is hyperopia and what causes it?

Farsightedness (an eyeball that is too short)

What is the eye condition that means there are unequal curvatures in different parts of the eye which causes blurry images?


What are cataracts?

Clouding of the eye's lenses

What is glaucoma and why is it dangerous?

Increased pressure in the eye, can lead to blindness

What happens when your senses are over-stimulated?

Neurons become paralyzed and sensory receptors become less responsive

Where are taste buds found?

On top of papilla (on surface of tongue, roof of the mouth, and walls of pharynx)

What are the 5 primary taste sensations?

Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and savory