LAR - TEST on notes 23-28, 5 ,8, 10, 13,

23. What is fiction?

� Writing that tells stories about imaginary people, animals, and events
� The readers enter a world that was made up by the author.

24. What is nonfiction?

� Writing that provides facts about real people, events, and ideas
� Authors present information to teach readers about a subject and/or to convince them to do or believe something.
� In order to be considered nonfiction, a work must be considered 100% tr

26. What is central idea?

� The key point the author wishes to make in a literary work of nonfiction
� May be stated directly or implied (suggested). Readers can figure out an implied central idea by identifying the common element in the supporting details.
� The central idea is u

Examples of a Central Idea

� Central Idea�People should exercise daily.
� Supporting Paragraph 1�Exercise increases brainpower.
� Supporting Paragraph 2�Exercise helps prevent many diseases.
� Supporting Paragraph 3�Exercise strengthens muscles.

27. What is author's purpose?

� An author's main reason for writing
� The three general purposes are: to inform, to entertain, and to persuade (convince).
� Authors also have specific purposes for writing.

28. What is the relationship between a topic, an author's purpose and a central idea?

� Topic is very broad.
� General purpose narrows the topic a little.
� Specific purpose narrows down the topic even more.
� Central Idea is much more specific than the topic by itself.

5. What is characterization?

� The way an author develops a character�makes the character come alive to the reader (Uses FLATTO)
Feelings of the character
Looks (appearance) of the character
Actions of the character
Thoughts of the character
Talks�What the character says
Others inter