Classical Sociological Theory Chapter 1 (George Ritzer)

Wright Mills

Which sociologist wrote the sociological imagination

What are 3 major theoretical perspectives?

Functionalist Persp.
Conflict Persp.
Interactionist Perp.

What is Sociological Theory?

A set of statements that seeks to explain problems actions or behaviors.

Division of labor

the practice of dividing up the production process into a series of tasks & allocating each tasks to workers who specialize in that assigned task.

Auguste Comte (1798-1857)

He coined the term "Sociology". Believed that the idea of valid knowledge about the world derived from only using the scientific method.

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)

Studied "Evolutionary" change in society.

Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)

Behavior must be understood within larger social context. Concluded that religion reinforces a groups solidarity. meaning the closer u R to religion the less ppl commit suicides

Mechanical Solidarity

Collective consciousness that emphasizes a groups solidarity implying virtually everyone does essentially the same things/tasks

Organic Solidarity

Collective consciousness resting on the need a society's members have for one another.
Book def. Solidarity comes from differences; that is, ppl need the contributions of an increasing # of ppl in order to function & even to survive

Max Weber (1864-1920)
Weber & Social Class

To comprehend behavior, must be learn subjective meaning; ppl attach to actions.
Social Class composed of those who hold similar life chances based on: Class, Status Group, Power


similar level of wealth or income

Status Group

with the same prestige & lifestyle.
Status gained through membership in a desired group


the ability to exercise one's will over another.
Being part of influential group

5 Basic Characteristics of Bureaucracy by Weber

1. Division of Labor
2. Hierarchy of Authority
3. Written Rules & Regulations
4. Impersonality (equal; uncaring)
5. Employment based on Technical qualifications

Karl Marx (1818-1883)

Society divided between 2 classes that clash in the pursuit of their own interests.
1. Class Consciousness
2. False Consciousness

Class Consciousness

a subjective awareness of common vested interest & the need for collective political action to bring about social change.
ex. All workers R being exploited by the Bourgeoisie

False Consciousness

the attitude held by workers that does not accurately reflect its objective position.
ex. I am being exploited by my boss

W.E. B. DuBois

Conducted research that he hoped would assist in the struggle for racially egalitarian (a belief in human equality) society
First A.A with a ph.D in Sociology
* double consciousness
*color line

Double Consciousness W.E. B.

division of an individuals identity into two or more social realities

Color Line W.E.B.

a barrier supported by customs & laws separating non-whites from whites, especially with regard to their roles in the division of labor

Robert Merton (1910-2003)

Combined theory & research he developed explanations of deviant behaviors
Macrosociology & Microsociology


Large-scale phenomena or entire civilizations


Small groups, often through experimental means

Talcott Parsons (1902-1979)

viewed society as a vast network of connected parts,each of which helps maintain the system as a whole

Functionalist Perspective

emphasizes the way parts of a society are structured to maintain it's stability

Conflict Perspective

Assumes social behavior is best understood in terms of conflict tension b/w competing groups

Interactionists Perspective

Generalizes about every day forms of social interactions to explain society as a whole