Hartman's Chapter 18 Common Chronic and Acute Conditions


Skin caused by a tin mite that burrows under the skin, contagious.


skin condition caused by varicella-zoster virus.


A type of injury to the skin.


Inflammation of the skin




Inflammation of the joints


The immune system causes the disease


Arthritis that occurs with aging or as a result of an injury.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis that affects people of all ages, autoimmune.


Disease where osteoclasts outnumber osteoblasts.
Porous Bone

Closed Fracture

A fracture that does not break the skin

Open Fracture

A fracture that does break the skin

Partial Weight Bearing

(PWB) Resident can support some weight on both legs.

Non Weight Bearing

(NWB) Resident cannot bear any weight on his or her legs.

Full Weight Bearing

(FWB) Resident can bear 100% of weight on one or both legs.


A device that replaces a body part that is missing or deformed.

Muscular Dystrophy

A progressive disease that causes wasting of the muscles.


The removal of some or all of a body part.

Phantom Sensation

Feeling pain in a body part that does not exist.

Parkinsons Disease

A progressive disease that causes a section of the brain to degenerate, causes dopamine shortages and affects the muscular system.

Multiple Sclerosis

A progressive disease that affects the central nervous system. Causes myelin sheaths to degenerate.


Paralysis from the waist down.


Paralysis from the neck down.


A disease that causes seizures


Cloudy lens in the eye.


Disease caused by increased eye pressure


Hardening of the Arteries

Angia Pectoris

Chest pain


Medication given under the tongue for chest pain.

Congestive Heart Failure

Occurs when hearth fails to pump correctly and causes blood to back up in the heart.

Peripheral Vascular Disease

A disease in which the extremities do not receive enough circulation.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

(COPD) a chronic lung disease. Causes patient to have trouble breathing.


Inflammation of the bronchi, a form of COPD


A chronic disease of the lungs and form of COPD that is caused by chronic bronchitis or smoking.


Caused by having something foreign beside clean air in the lungs, ie bacteria, water, dust.


Chronic inflammatory disease of the lungs set off by


a condition in which the bronchi are abnormally large.

Upper respiratory infection.

(URI) Sinus infection

Diabetes Mellitus

A disease in which the pancreas fails to properly use or create insulin.


A hormone that allows the body to control how much sugar cells metabolize.



Type 1 Diabetes

Diagnosed in children and young adults. Body does not produce enough insulin. Treated with insulin and a special diet, genetic.

Type 2 Diabetes

Adult onset diabetes, occurs in adults, the body does not use, or create insulin properly. Caused by a bad diet, can be controlled with diet and oral medications.


Occurs when a person's blood sugar levels are above normal but not enough to be diabetic. It is a sign that the person will have diabetes in the future.

Gestational Diabetes

Diabetes caused by pregnancy.


Thyroid secretes too much thyroid hormone, causing fast metabolism.


thyroid fails to secrete enough hormone and results in excessive weight gain.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Veneral diseases (STDs) diseases passed through contact with a person's mucous membranes.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

(STIs) A veneral disease that shows no symptoms but is contagious after it infects the host.


Std caused by organisms living in the mucus membrane of a reproductive organ.


Std that can be treated in early stages but can cause brain damage if left untreated. Can cause serious birth defects.


Open sores that form on the penis after infection with syphilis


Std that can be treated with antibiotis, easier to detect in men than women. If untreated can cause sterility, caused by bacteria.

Herpes Simplex 2

Genital herpes, a virus that causes warts and ovarian cancer. cannot be cured but can be controlled.

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Noncancerous overgrowth of the prostate, can cause difficulty with urination.


Inflammation of the Vagina

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

(AIDS) caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. A syndrome in which the HIV virus attacks helper t cells and causes the immune system to fail, causing the host to be susceptible to secondary infections.

AIDS Dementia Complex

Damage to the central nervous system due to AIDS that causes memory loss, poor coordination, paralysis and confusion.

Kapsoi's Sarcoma

A cancer found commonly in patients with aids due to the fact that the immune system can no longer attack deficient cells.

Opportunistic Infection

Infections that invade the body when the immune system is weak.


Numbness or tingling in the feet and legs.


A buildup of deficient cells in the body

Benign Tumors

Non cancerous tumors that usually grow slowly in local areas.

Malignant Tumors

Cancerous tumors that grow rapidly and invade other areas of the body