What is incremental change?
Represents a series of continual progressions that maintain the organization's general equilibrium and often affect only one organizational part
What is radical change?
By contrast, breaks the frame of reference for the organization, often transforming the entire organization
What are the 4 types of changes within organizations that achieve strategic advantage?
Changes of products and services, strategy and structure, culture and technology
What is product and service changes?
Pertain to the product or service outputs of an organization
What is strategy and structure changes?
Pertain to the administrative domain in an organization
What is culture changes?
Refers to changes in the values, attitudes, expectations, beliefs, abilities and behaviour of employees
What is technology changes?
Are changes in an organization's production process, including its knowledge and skill base that enable distinctive competence
What is organizational change?
Is considered the adoption of a new idea or behaviour by an organization
What is organizational innovation?
The adoption of an idea or behaviour that is new to the organization's industry, market, or general environment
What is the change process?
Ideas, Needs, Adoption, Implementation, Resources
What is the ambidextrous approach?
To incorporate structures and management processes that are appropriate to both the creation and the implementation of innovation
What are switching structures?
Means an organization creates an organic structure when such a structure is needed for the initiation of new ideas
What is included in the horizontal coordination model?
Specialization, Boundary Spanning, Horizontal Coordination
What is time based competition?
Means delivering products and services faster than competitors, giving companies a competitive edge
What is the dual core approach?
the dual core approach to organizational change compares administrative and technical changes
What is organization development?
Focuses on the human and social aspects of the organization as a way to improve the organization's ability to adapt and solve problems
What are some barriers to change?
Excessive focus on costs, failure to perceive benefits, lack of coordination and cooperation, uncertainty avoidance, fear of loss