Daniel 11

How many more kings did Daniel say will arise up in Persia


Which king did Daniel say will be far richer than them all


What will the Kingdom of the great King be divided towards

four winds of heaven

The fourth king will use his riches to stir all against what realm


Who will go to the King of the North to make an agreement

daughter of the king of the south

Where will the branch which rise out of the daughter of the king of the south carry their gods captive to


What shall be carried captive to Egypt along with the princes of the King of the south

their precious articles of gold and silver

What will the king of the south be moved with

much rage

What will the sons of the King of the north stir up


What will the king of the North come with at the end of many some years with a great army

much equipment

what kind of men will exalt themselves in fulfillment of Daniel's vision but fall


What will the king of the north build when he take a fortified city

siege mound

Which troops of the King of the south will have no strength to resist the King of the North

choice troops

Who will be able to resist the king of the North when he stands in the Glorious Land

no one

Where will the King of the North turn his face when he take many?

towards the coastlands

What will happen to the king of the North when he turn his face toward the fortress of his own land

he will stumble and fall

What will the one who arises after the king of the North impose on the glorious kingdom


What type of person was Daniel told would impose taxes on the glorious kingdom?


What will they not give the vile person after he impose taxes on the glorious kingdom

the honor of royalty

What was Daniel told would happen to the one who imposed taxes on the glorious kingdom?

he would be destroyed

How was Daniel told the vile person would come


How was Daniel told the vile person would seize the kingdom

by intrigue

Daniel was told they would be swept away and broken from the vile person with the force of what?

a flood

How will the vile person act when he became strong with a small number of people


How will the vile person enter even into the richest places of the province


What three things will the vile person disperse among the people that his forefathers had not done?

plunder, spoil, and riches

Who is Daniel told will destroy the king of the south after plans are devised against him

Those who eat a portion of his delicacies

What will the kings' hearts be bent on when they speak lie at the same table


What is Daniel told is still at the appointed time?

the end

What will the kings of the North heart be moved against when returning to his land with great riches?

the holy covenant

Where will the ships come from that goes against the king of the North


What would the forces mustered by the king of the North do to the sanctuary fortress?

defile it

What will be taken away when the kings of the north defile the sanctuary fortress?

daily sacrifice

What would be put in place of the daily sacrifice after the sanctuary fortress was defiled

the abomination of desolation

By what will those who understand and instruct many fall by for many days

sword, flame, captivity, and plundering

Some of those who understand will fall in order to purify, refine, and make some what color


What will the King of the North speak when he exalt and magnify himself above every god


What will the King of the North honor the god of fortresses with

Gold, silver, precious stones and pleasant things

What will the king of the north come against the king of the south with when he attack him like a whirlwind

chariots, horsemen, and many ships

When will the king of the South attack the king of the North?

at the end of time

Who shall escape the King of the North when he enter the glorious and overthrow countries at the end of time

Edom, Moab and prominent people of Ammon

What land will not escape when the King of the North stretch out his hand


What two people is Daniel told will follow at the heels of the King of the North

Libyans and Ethiopians

What will the king of the North go out with a great fury to do to many

destroy and annihilate

Who will help the king of the north when he comes to an end

no one

Where will the King of the North plant his tent when he come to end and no one helps him

Between the seas and the glorious mountains