Increased circulation
I'm addition to renewed flexibility, what is another major benefit of a massage?
Keratin is a form of which of the following substances?
What is a therapeutic method of manipulating the body by rubbing, pinching, tapping, kneading, or stroking called??
The chemical conversion of living cells into dead protein is called:
What is the second step of the daily skin care regimen that restores the natural pH of the skin?
Which of the following is an acquired skin disease characterized by white patches caused by a loss of pigment?
Water mixed with salt and other chemicals that have built up in the body is called:
Which of the following terms identifies a loss of fluids?
Stratum germinativum
The deepest layer of the epidermis?
Grade 1
Which types of acne is mild and consists of open and closed comedones scattered around the face and back?
Increased pore size
Which is NOT an indicator of an effective skin care treatment?
Exhibits a lack of moisture characterized by superficial dryness, flakiness, and lines?
Reticular dermis
The dermis is divided into two layers known as the papillary dermis and the:
Mask frequently used for hand and facial treatments?
Direct movement from insertion to origin
A guideline that's important to remember when performing massage manipulations:
How are your new products working for you"?
A statement that should be used during a care call with a client:
Environmental influences
Dehydration is generally caused by improper product use and:
Massage used for the shortest amount of time?
To expand pores and soften skin
Direct steam over clients face is used to provide what benefits??
The most dangerous skin growth is?
Skin condition characterized by blackheads, whiteheads, papules and pustules?
Systematic disease
Disease that is active internally throughout the body system?
Function of the integumentary system changes blood flow to maintain and internal temperature of 98.6 degrees?
Use downward and inward motions
Not a good massage tip:
Mechanical or chemical process of removing dead skin to stimulate new cell growth?
Type of mask that seals the skin, locking in moisture and create a firm, taut feeling after removal?
The second layer of the skin is?
Approved broad spectrum disinfectant
Used to disinfect the facial chair before and after every service by using?
The percentage of aging that is caused by NATURAL aging?
Stratum corneum
Epidermal layer that acts as a barrier to moisture loss?
Professional skin evaluation
The section of the client consultation form that the esthetician uses to note observations??
Tiny passageways that allow sweat and oil to pass through the skin?
Small elevation of the skin, usually inflamed, that doesn't contain pus?
The professional tone of voice is confident, firm, respectful and:
The step in the daily regimen that compensates for moisture loss that is sustained through aging and exposure to the environment?
What are eccrine glands primarily responsible for?
A vascular Skin condition characterized by flushed redness?
What form of massage Provides no stimulation:
Stratum corneum
The toughest layer of the skin is?
In the superficial layers of the epidermis, all cells are?
An inflammation that causes severe itching, usually on undamaged skin?
First step in the daily regimen designed to remove dirty, oil, makeup, etc.?
Sun exposure can be 15 times longer than without protection
Sunscreen product with SPF 15 indicates:
Squamous cell carcinoma
Malignant growth that is an irregular, crusted, red papule?
What does sudoriferous glands produce?
A shaking movement where the esthetician quickly shakes arms while the fingertips outer palms are touching the client.
Is not a function of the skin:
Eye contact
A Non verbal gesture that conveys undivided attention and interest in what is being said?
A male hormone found in both men and women?
Intercellular cement
Substance that binds, ads structural strength and meditates biochemical interactions between cells?
Replenishing and balancing moisture and oil
Moisturizers are responsible for?
Looking around the room during a client consultation clearly shows that you are:
Substance that causes an allergy is:
Chemical exfoliant
An enzyme or alpha hydroxy acid, working with other ingredients to remove dead cells?
After applying the exfoliant
Which stage of the facial procedure does the steaming occur??
Transdermal penetration
The process of product absorption in to the skin is referred to as?
The phase of service involves soliciting feedback, recommending home care regimen, and scheduling the clients next appt?
Establish rapport and build trust
The purpose of the greeting phase is to?
Harmful UVA and UVB rays
The purpose of sunscreen is to protect the skin from?
Herpes simplex
A highly contagious viral infection that causes blister like outbreaks?
Alcohol, stress, spicy foods and extreme temperatures aggravate which of the following??
Skin cancer
The effects of excessive sun exposure include premature aging, wrinkles and:
The swelling of tissue caused BY excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissue is called?
Another name for a birth mark?
Personal info
Which section of the client consultation form asks for basic data that can be used to offer marketing promotions?
Apply manual exfoliant product
First step that occurs when exfoliating with a rotating brush?
Stratum germnitivum
Where are Merkel cells located?
Dr . Jacquet
Massage technique introduced in 1907 for oily and acneic skin conditions was created by?
Allergies to alpha and beta hydroxy acids can cause:
Form of friction massage by grasping and twisting in opposite directions?
Massage creme/oil
Product that reduces friction and provides "slip" to the skin during massage?
Common pigmentation disorder in pregnant women is known as melasma or:
Meissner's corpuscles
Receptor responsible for light pressure and cold?
Ask,analyze, and assess phase
What phase Engages the client in a guided dialogue to share their expectations and desired services?
They Have a rougher texture than mechanical exfoliants
Which is NOT true about chemical exfoliants??
Overactive oil glands
Not a characteristic of rosacea?
A solid formation above the skin, often caused by insect bites or allergic reaction?
Seasonal disease
Skin condition influenced by weather changes?
Avoid direct eye contact
Not a way to get a client professionally??
The body's Largest waste removal system is?
Refer to dermatologist
If you suspect a client has a medical condition, you should:
Word of mouth
The best way to advertise customer service business?
Krause's end bulbs
The sensory cells that report pressure and pain?
Key ingredients
Most important factor when choosing a mask for the clients skin is:
There are no blood vessels located in which of the skins layers?
Agreement phase
The phase where the client agrees on the recommended treatments?
Form of tapotement used on the arms, back, and shoulders that resemble a chopping movement?
Type of massage that should NEVER be used on a client with sensitive skin or certain skin conditions such as acne or rosacea?
Sanitize non reusable materials
After a basic facial, the esthetician should NEVER:
Basal cell carcinoma
Malignant lesions that appears translucent, irregular edges and tiny blood vessels running through them is:
Products that assist in preventing growth of bacteria?
Smoking and alcohol are factors of what type of aging?
Thick and shiny describes which skin type?
How many primary functions does the skin perform?
Contact dermatitis
Rash caused by allergic reaction from contact with substances such as dye?
Asking the client to book the next appt in advance is:
Eating too much chocolate
Acne CANNOT be caused by:
Not a condition and Would not be considered an objective symptom?
Connects muscle to bone?
Lesion that form from a papule and contains pus and bacterial fluid?
Viral infection that causes rough keratotic skin growths on the top layer of the skin?
Shake hands firmly and direct eye contact
During an introductory handshake, the esthetician should:
Sebaceous glands originate from which skin area?
Every morning and night
How often cleansers should be used?
Increased pigmentation
The effect topical steroid medications have on the skin?
White head
Plugged sebaceous gland with a opening that is not widely dialated is called a CLOSED comedone or:
Mechanical exfoliation
Type of exfoliation that uses abrasive action combined with a product?
Ordinary body soap is recommended for cleansing
Not true about cleansing the skin on face?
Clay or mud mask are recommended for what skin types?
Not a skin type?
Likely to cause an allergic reaction?
Gloves don't allow the flow of electric current
Why gloves are NOT worn during Indirect high frequency facial procedure?
The epidermis is primarily composed of?
Following every client who is new to you
When to follow up with a call or note?
Connective tissue that prevents the rubbing of tissue against joints?