What are the functions of the central nervous system?
Controls most functions of the body and mind. Brain is center of our thoughts, external movement, and origin of control over body movement.
CNS is am abbreviation for
Central nervous system
PNS is an abbreviation for
peripheral nervous system
What are the two parts of the CNS?
brain and spinal chord
What is the name of the fluid that lets the brain take in nutrients and remove wastes with blood?
Cerebral spinal fluid
What is the largest part of the brain?
What increases the surface area of this part of the brain?
folds and grooves of the cerebrum
If someone had a stroke and couldn't use the muscles on the right side of the face, which hemisphere of the brain had the stroke?
left hemisphere
What are the 4 main lobes of the cerebral cortex?
front, temporal, occipital, and parietal
What connects the two hemispheres of the brian?
corpus collasum
What are the two main parts of the diencephalon?
Thalamus and hypothalamus
What part of the brain regulates balance, coordinates and smoothes movements?
What part of the brain receives sensroy info and relays it to the cerebral cortex?
What controls recognition and analysis of body temperature?
What could happen if the hypothalamus stopped working?
Body temperature, water balance, metabolism, thirst, appetite, multiple systems would become unbalanced.
Why is the hypothalamus important to the endocrine system?
It regulates all hormone balances
What are the three parts of the lower brain stem?
Midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
Give 4 important functions that are controlled by the lower brain stem?
Breathing, vision, hearing, blood pressure
What connects the brain to the PNS?
spinal chord
Certain kinds of information are processed in the spinal cord, give one example
involuntary and voluntary reaction
Why would it be good for certain information to be processed directly in the spinal cord?
it would be 2X as fast
Why does paralysis occur when a person gets a spinal cord injury?
the main line that sends signals to the brain is damaged
What are the two divisions of the PNS?
Sensory and motor
What does the somatic nervous system control?
Skeletal muscles
What neurotransmitter controls the somatic nervous system and how does it work?
Acetylcholine, it is released when something is sensed and then binds to cells causing activation
The automatic nervous system is composed of two subdivisions called
sympathetic and parasympathetic
What ANS subdivision is involved when you are startled and panicking?
Which ANS subdivision is involved when you are eating potato chips on a couch
The neurotransmitter acetylcholine performs what two functions?
Activates muscles and is a major neurotransmitter
Which PNS system controls skeletal muscles?