SPED Module 1 Questions


Which brain system regulates interactions with the environment that can affect survival, such as whether to attack, escape, ,mate, or eat?


Which brain system is responsible for a major role in consolidating learning and in converting information from working memory to the long term storage regions. This system's process is essential for the creation of meaning.

All choices are correct

The Temporal lobe of the brain...
-houses the speech centers of the brain.
-All Choices are correct
-Deals with sound, music, face, and object recognition.
-Deals with some parts of Long-Term memory

Is used almost exclusively for visual processing

The Occipital Lobe of the brain...
-deals with visual recognition of objects and faces.
-All of the choices are correct.
-is used almost exclusively for visual processing.
-deals with number recognition.

sense and meaning

The brain's decision to retain a learning seems to be based on _______ and _______?

Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

In 2004, based on the three initiatives preceding RTI, Congress passed what act?
-Education of All Handicapped Children Act
-Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
-Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
-Elementary and Special Educa

wait to fail

In the past when students were struggling and there was not enough of a discrepancy between their achievement and ability the prevailing model was called:
Wait it out
Wait and hope
Wait for help
Wait to fail

They implement high-quality, research-based instruction matched to the needs of the students

Which of the following in one of the key components of RTI models?
-They implement high-quality, research-based instruction matched to the needs of the teacher
-They implement high-quality, research-based instruction matched to the needs of the students

Implementation of effective classroom instructional practices so all students have an opportunity to learn (Tier 1)

Even though there are multiple frameworks for the implementation of RTI, what is one of the critical components that all agree are essential for RTI?
-Every student should meet the same criteria to receive intervention.
-Only select students should be rec

President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education held public hearings about special education.

Which of the following is one of the three initiatives that led to the eventual use of RTI?
-The governors of every state held a national conference on the need for early identification of students with learning disabilities.
-President's Commission on Ex


loss/reduced function of a body part/organ


an impairments that limits the ability to do some tasks


problem when interacting with the environment

At risk

kids who have a greater chance of getting a disability

Prevention and intervention

RTI Relies on this type of model

Early intervening services

give a student services as soon as there is a struggle present

individualized transition plan

You have a student in your high school Algebra I classroom who has been receiving special education services for several years. The student will be turning 16 years old soon, and his IEP needs to be updated. In the 2004 amendments of IDEA (now IDEIA) what

Multidisciplinary team

This team of people who make decisions about eligibility for special education services and includes a local education agency representative, a classroom teacher, a special education teacher, parents or guardians, a person to interpret evaluation results,

Individualized family service plan

If you have a child who is under the age of three and needs special education and related services which type of plan or program would be developed for him or her?
Individualized Family Service Plan
Vocational Rehabilitation Plan
504 Plan
Individualized E

Training of special education staff on disabilities

The essential element of a successful inclusion program is:
Shared responsibility of all educators
Training of special education staff on disabilities
Limiting inclusion to the students with mild disabilities
A paraeducator in every classroom

Every child can read by 3rd grade

A major tenet of The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 is to ensure that
Teacher's salaries are based on state's drop-out rate.
Every child can read by third grade
Every state follow a federally approved budget
Teachers follow a nationally-approved

Allows special education staff who are working in the mainstream to assist general education students when needed

IDEIA 2004 differs from IDEA 1990 in that it:
Extends provisions for due process and confidentiality for students and parents
Adds two new categories of disability: autism and traumatic brain injury
Allows special education staff who are working in the ma

Learning Disabilities

Which is the largest disability group in U.S. schools?
Learning disabilities
Speech or language impairments
Intellectual disabilities
Traumatic brain injuries

Scientifically based reading programs must be implemented before a student gets referred

NCLB has implications for special education because
-All teachers must be dually certified in general and special education
-Teachers must complete a transition plan for all students at the school
-Schools can use IDEIA funds for remediation programs

Inclusive setting

This type of classroom placement can occur for a student with disabilities who will receive services from a special education teacher, who will address the goals and objectives from their IEP, in the general education setting with his or her same age peer

Provides for states, as well as school districts, to be sued if they violate IDEA

IDEA 1990 differs from P.L. 94-142 in that it:
-Requires the use of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to meet the individual needs of each student
-No longer requires states to identify and track the number of students with disabilities
-Provides fo


In which year was P.L. 94-142, originally referred to as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, enacted?

Individualized transition plan

You have a student in your high school Algebra I classroom who has been receiving special education services for several years. The student will be turning 16 years old soon, and his IEP needs to be updated. In the 2004 amendments of IDEA (now IDEIA) what

Regular education initiative

This controversial concept promotes the placement of students with disabilities in the general education classroom for all or most of the school day with the primary reason being that students with disabilities would benefit from being placed in the gener

zero reject/free appropriate education

That no child with disabilities can be excluded from receiving a free appropriate public education, is one of IDEIA's primary characteristics, and is referred to as:
Least restrictive environment
Child find
Nondiscriminatory inclusion
Zero reject/free app


attempt to eliminate the effects of a disability


enable successful functioning in spite of the disability


adapts in how a student accesses and/or demonstrates knowledge


change what a student is expected to learn and/or demonstrate


change to meet new requirements or to fit new uses

Frontal lobe

thinking (decision making, planning), memory, behavior (impulse control, personality), movement

Occipital lobe

visual processing/sight

Parietal lobe

touch and language; spatial orientation

Temporal lobe

hearing, learning (long term memory), and feelings; sound, music, and object recognition; speech

6 Key principles of IDEA

FAPE (free and appropriate public education), appropriate evaluation, IEP, LRE, parent and students participation in decision making, procedural safeguards

Required members of the ARD committe

parents, general education teacher, special education teacher, representative of the LEA (local education agency), someone who can interpret the instructional implications of the evaluation results; (Sometimes the student)

individualized education program


least restrictive environment


individuals with disabilities education act


free and appropriate public education


learning disability


admission, review, and dismissal


response to intervention


no child left behind


English language learners


Local education agency


early childhood intervention


every student succeeds act


adequate yearly progress


multidisciplinary team


person centered planning


prereferral assistance team


early intervention services


individualized family service plan


individualized transition plan


Elementary and Secondary Education Act


Education for all Handicapped Children Act


Full individual evaluation