Intro. to JC q's

What date was JC first performed?

September 21, 1599

Is JC a history or a tragedy?

tragedy with some history in the background

How much did people of Shakespeare's time know about Roman history? Where did they learn about it

Roman history was read widely in Shakespeare's age. It was taught in the grammar schools, which caused all the children to grow up knowing about the Romans.

What was Shakespeare's primary source for JC?

North's translation of Plutarch

define classical civilization and tell how the Elizabethans felt about it.

it is the belief that classical learning and literature would have a humanizing/civilizing influence to mankind. The eElizabethans thought that is was a basic education and that it would be beneficial.

on what date does the action of the play open?

February 15, 44 BC

Why do critics say that Caesar is Shakespeare's intended hero?

Caesar stays throughout the play after his murder scene. His spirit hovers over the rest of the play-- for vengeance.

Why did Elizabethans admire Caesar? How did they feel about dictators?

Elizabethans admire Caesar because they are interested in strong men who impose order in a chaotic world. He was a leader with he capacity for rule. They did not have a distaste for dictators- they admired forceful and successful leaders.

What is noble in Brutus's character?

He must emulate a great patriot ancestor. He represents the contemplative type and his decisions reached with so much wisdom and justice, turn out to be the wrong ones.

What is Cassius like?

He is the "lean and hungry" type of introspective thinker, who instinctively knows what ruthless measures are necessary. Although, he is talked out of them by Brutus.

what was Marc Antony like?

He was possessed with shrewdness and eloquence