Government-Chapter 3

One state recognizing a marriage sanctioned by another state is an example of the exercise of which constitutional clause?

Full faith and credit clause

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of the national government to create a national back and reaffirmed the notion of "national supremacy" in which landmark case?

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Citizens' ability to "vote with their feet" by deciding where to move results in [blank] competition among states that would be impossible under a [blank] system

Healthy; unitary

The U.S. Supreme Court has cited which Constitutional amendment in its support of states' sovereign immunity?

Eleventh Amendment

The form of government that best describes the American system while under the Articles of Confederation is


States' sovereign immunity refers to the fact that:

States cannot be sued in federal court

Despite the shift toward supportive federalism, the supremacy of the national government continues to be reinforced by

Crises and war and the rise of coercive federalism

As part of the federalism revolution of the 1990s, the Court began to chip away at Congress's [blank] Amendment powers to remedy bad state laws


Which analogy best describes the federalism arrangement of the late 1930s?

Marble cake federalism

The privileges and immunities clause of the U.S. Constitution requires that state governments

Treat non state residents within their borders as they would state residents

Under a system of dual federalism, the national and state governments are

Seen as distinct entities providing separate services

The [blank] Amendment became the constitutional basis for many civil right laws passed by Congress during Reconstruction


States' attempts to lure business by keeping taxes and social spending low can create

A race to the bottom

Federal preemptions allow Congress to impose national priorities on states through national legislation, a power that is rooted in the Constitution's

Supremacy Clause

The Supreme Court's late-nineteenth- and early-twenties-century decisions that Congressional commerce clause powers only extended to [blank] commerce endorsed a view of [blank]

Interstate; Laissez-faire capitalism

Competitive federalism is a form federalism in which

States compete to attract business and jobs through the polices they adopt

General revenue sharing was generally favored by the [blank], but support declined in the [blank]

States; 1980s

Which of the following best describes remedial legislation?

National laws that address discriminatory state laws

Citing the Amendment, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that individuals, not just states, have the right to challenge the constitutionality of a federal law


New Federalism was generally characterized by

Granting state and local governments greater control of nationally funded programs

New Federalism is considered to have begun under

President Nixon

The doctrine of interposition holds that if the national government passes an unconstitutional law, the people of a given state may

Declare the law void through an act of the state legislature

In recent years, traditional positions on federalism have changed somewhat, with liberals arguing for [blank] and conservatives arguing for [blank] on the issues of medicinal marijuana or gay marriage

States' rights, strong national power

Block grant consist of federal aid to state or local governments that is

To be spent within a specified policy area, through the receiving state or local government can decide how to spend within that area

Which decision was an outcome of the state-centered views on the Taney Court?

Dred Scott v. Sanford

The commerce clause of Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution affords Congress broad regulatory power over

Interstate commerce

While a federalist system has the advantage of [blank], it has the disadvantage of [blank]

Encouraging policy innovation; maintaining interstate variation in resources

A unitary government is a system in which the [blank] government holds ultimate authority


Cooperative federalism began in what decade?


Coercive federalism describes a form of federalism in which

The national government pressures the states to change their policies by using regulations, mandates, and conditional funding