Western Civ Chapter 11 Vocab


The 16th century movement to change abusive practices within the Catholic church

95 Theses

On 10/31/1517 Martin Luther nailed his list of 95 things that he thought was wrong with the Catholic church to the door of his church

John Tetzel

The biggest seller of indulgences within the Catholic church

Ulrich Zwingli

Protestant reformer in Switzerland; humanistic education with an influence by Erasmus

John Calvin

Catholic education prior to joining reformation in 1534; in 1536 his ideas with Calvinism were adopted in Geneva, Switzerland - this was right after he fled from France due to persecution; the "elect" should force vision of God's will on everyone


The idea that your life and the decisions you make in life have already been determined by God prior to your conception

Peace of Augsburg

In September 1555, representatives from each major division within Christianity met; "Cuius regio, eius religio" - "Whose realm, his religion"; Religion of the land was decided by the prince's religion (unless you like Calvinism...then you suck)

Wives of Henry VII

Catherine of Aragon (Mary - Divorced)
Anne Boleyn (Elizabeth - Beheaded)
Jane Seymour (Edward VI - Died)
Anne of Cleves (Divorced)
Kathryn Howard (Beheaded)
Katherine Parr (Survived)

Edward VI

Son to King Henry VIII and Jane Seymour; crowned at the age of 9 due to his father's death

Reformation Parliament

1529-1536 session of Parliament where King Henry VIII got them to pass any act he wanted in order to establish the reformed church of England; Passed acts such as Submission of Clergy Act, Act of Succession, Act of Supremacy, etc.

Miguel de Cervantes

Spanish novelist and dramatist; most famous work is Don Quixote (ft. Sancho Panza) where he famously watches his lord fight a windmill that he mistakes for a dragon

Council of Trent

A general council of the Catholic church who gathered for 3 sessions spanned over 18 years set to reassert the doctrine of the church


Roman Catholic order of priests established by Ignatious Loyola who were sent out to oppose the reformation

Martin Luther

The father of the reformation; Well educated man who saw the abuses of the church in Rome in 1510; "Justification by faith alone" is how to get to heaven; 95 Theses in 1517; excommunicated in 1521 where he then went into exile and translated New Testament


Cash payments for remittance of sins

Charles V

The Holy Roman Emperor during the beginning of the reformation; exiled Luther at his Diet of Worms; idiot at Diet of Augsburg; smart at Peace of Augsburg


Radical reforming movement in the 16th century advocating the baptism and church membership of adult believers (only), nonresistance, and the separation of church and state; "Swiss brethren


Calvinism = Predestination; Replaced Lutheranism as the most popular reformed religion in the second half of the 16th century; Based off of predestination and the individual responsibility to reorder society according to God


The Catholic belief that during communion you are literally consuming the flesh and blood of Christ

Henry VIII

The man, the myth, the legend

Act of Supremacy

Act passed by the Reformation Parliament declaring that Anne Boleyn's children heirs to the throne

Pope Leo X

The pope during the German, English, and Swiss reformations

Defender of the Faith

Title given to Henry VIII (and every monarch since) for his writing of "Defense of the Seven Sacraments" with Sir Thomas More

William Shakespeare

Brilliant play write who took the style of classic comedies, tragedies, medieval morality, and contemporary Italian stories to develop English drama

Ignatius of Loyola

Saint of the Roman Catholic Church who founded the jesuits


State of being banned from one's country


A permanent Church appointment, typically that of a rector or vicar, for which property and income are provided in respect of pastoral duties


To strongly encourage or urge someone to do something


State of being banned from a body of religion; also meant you're going to hell


A religious act of the Christian Church that is regarded as an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual divine grace


A legislative assembly; a meeting or session

Sola Fide

Christian theological doctrine that distinguishes most Protestant denominations from Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, and some in the Restoration Movement


Of, relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities