Latin America Study Questions

who were the penisulares

they were Spanish and Portuguese officials who resided temporarily in Latin America for political and economic gain and then returned to their mothers countries

who were creoles

were descendants of Europeans born in Latin America who lived there permanently

who were the mestizos

people of Italian and European descent; they wanted to free themselves from the Spanish

what events in Europe weakened the authority of the Spaniards and Portuguese in their Latin American empires

When Napoleon overthrew the monarchies of Spain and Portugal

who led more than 100,000 slaves in a revolt in the French colony of Saint Domingue on the island of Hispaniola

Francois-Dominique Toussaint-Louvrture

What is the name of the priest who became a hero of Mexican independence

Miguel Hidalgo

How did the French Revolution help inspire the revolution in Mexico

Hidalgo had studied the French revolution; he roused the local Indians and Mestizos to free themselves from the Spanish

Who led conservatives elites to declare Mexico's independence from Spain in 1821

Agustín de Itrubide (creole)

Who led the struggle for independence in Venezuela, then went on to liberate New Granada (Columbia), Ecuador and other countries in South America

José de San Martín: no Simon Bolivar

How were Jose de San Martin and his forces able to surprise the Spaniards in Chile in 1817

He led his forces over the Andes to attacks the Spanish in Chile

What action did the leading nations of Europe (except Britain) favor in Latin America in the early 1820s

Members of the Concert of Europe favored the use of troops to restore Spanish control in Latin America

What was the Monroe Doctrine

Act of president James Monroe guaranteed the independence of the new Latin American nations warned against any European intervention in the Americas

How did caudillos rule; who supported them

Caudillos ruled chiefly by military force and were usually supported by the land elites

what is the name of the caudillo who ruled Mexico from 1833 to 1855

Antonio López e Santa Anna

in what Mexican state did American settlers revolt in 1835


how did Mexico lose half of its territory to the United States

War between Mexico and the United States soon followed (1846-1848); mexico was defeated and lost almost one-half of its territory to the United States of the Mexican War

What liberal reforms did Benito Juarez bring to Mexico

separation of church and state, land distribution to the poor and an education system for all in Mexico

how was Latin America's economy dominated by Europe and the United States

Latin American countries exported raw materials such as wheat, wool, sugar, coffee and imported finished goods such as textiles

how did the landed elite dominate the citizens of countries in Latin America

Land was the basis of wealth, prestige, and power;The landed elite controlled the government, courts and made enormous profits by growing crops for export

what were the results of the Spanish-American War in 1898

they got cuba, puerto rico, philipines and guatamala

what happened in 1903 that enabled he U.S. to build the Panama Canal

In 1903, the United States supported a rebellion that enabled Panama to separate itself from Colombia and establish a new nation; In return, the United States was granted control of a strip of land 10 miles (16.09) wide running from coast to coast in Panama

About how any families owned almost all of Mexico during the dictatorial reign of Porfirio Diaz from 1877 to 1911

1,000 families

who led landless peasants to seize the estates of wealthy landowners during the Mexican Revolution

Emiliano Zapata