CH 28- Civil Rights Movement

Double V campaign

victory over fascism abroad and over segregation at home

Truman's President's Committee on Civil Rights

after WWII, civils rights returned to the national political stage for the first time since Reconstruction
-this committee created by Truman set out on an ambitious program to end racial inequality, creating a PERMANENT CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION in the Justic

Governor Strom Thurman

when liberals forced the Democratic National Convention to adopt a strong civil rights plank, outraged southern delegates walked out and nominated this Governor for president on a State's Right ticket


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
-conducted voter registration drives and lobbied against discrimination in housing and employment

Thurgood Marshall


Morgan v. Virginia

Supreme Court used interstate commerce clause to declare segregation on interstate buses unconstitutional

Congress of Racial Equality


Jackie Robinson

broke the barrier in major league baseball winning rookie of the year

Jim Crow

the south's racial codes
poll taxes, white primaries, and discriminatory registration prevented blacks from voting in the south

Emmett Till

summer 1955: a 14 year old African American boy (unaccomstumed to local "folkways" when visiting Mississippi from Chicago) spoke in an informal tone to the white wife of a store owner and was kidnapped and killed

Montgomery Bus Boycott

this boycott made Martin Luther King Jr a national figure

Rosa Parks


Martin Luther King Jr.

-rose as national figure for civil rights movement following Montgomery bus boycott
-admired Mohandas Gandhi and preached for nonviolent civil disobedience

Brown v. Board of Education

group of cases challenging segregation in public schools, Thurgood Marshall argued that separate facilities denied blacks their full rights as citizens, cited psychological evidence of the self-esteem of black children
*declared "separate but equal facili

de facto segregation

in northern communities, this type of segregation was caused by housing patterns and school districts

Justice Earl Warren

appointed by Eisenhower as Chief Justice
worked to make the Brown case decision unanimous among the court, using political skills to persuade a compromise

Little Rock Nine

group of black students desegregating in an Arkansas high school
- were at first prevented by the Arkansas Nat. Guard but then Eisenhower stepped in

Governor Orval Faubus

this governor of Arkansas decided to make a campaign issue out of the defying court order in Brown v Board
- dispatched the Arkansas Nat Guard to Central High School to prevent 9 black students from entering

Eisenhower's intervention/ use of National Guard

Eisenhower placed the Arkansas Nat Guard under federal command and ordered paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division to Little Rock, the 9 students integretated
-justified his actions on the basis of upholding fed authority and enforcing the law
*1st pr

Southern Christian Leadership Council

- called upon blacks to view nonviolence not as weakness but as strength in the face of danger

Greensboro Sit-ins/ Diane Nash, John Lewis, Marion Barry

4 black freshmen from NC Agricultural and Tech College sat down at a whites-only lunch counter and ordered food, continued for a week, made national news, sent a shockwave thru the south
These are members of the original

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

Ella Baker of SCLC helped students to resist affiliation with any of the national civil rights organizations, but encouraged them to create leadership among students, this Committees emphasis was fighting segregation thru ditect confrontation, mass a

Election of 1960

race issue was central in this election
Kennedy praised sit-in movement, Nixon (eager to gain southern white voters) minimized his identification with the movement

Civil Rights Act 1957

authorized the attorney general to seek court unjunction to protect people denied their right to vote

Freedom Rides (1961)

goal was to test compliance with court orders banning segregation in interstate travel and terminals, designed by director of CORE James Farmer to induce a crisis
-bus left Washington and encountered violence in Anniston, Alabama

Albany Movement, 1961-1962

movement in small Georgia city, here thousands of blacks marched, sat in, and boycotted as part of a city-wide campaign to integrate public facilities and win voting rights, arrival of King and the SCLC transformed the city into a national symbol of strug

James Meredith/University of Mississippi 1962

black student tried to integrate to this University but was blocked at admissions, Robert Kennedy sent fed marshalls to the campus, violence ensued, Gov Ross Barnett encouraged resistance to the oppressive power of the US

JFK's response

Pres Kennedy eventually sent Army troops onto the Ole Miss Campus to protect Jame Meredith (black student) who graduated the following summer

Birmingham, AL

King and SCLC launched a campaign against segregation in this city, the most segregated big city in America

Eugene "Bull" Connor

Public Safety Commissioner and segregationalist
the goal of the Birmingham campaign was to fill the city's jail with its protesters and enrage this man

Letter from a Birmingham Jail

written by King in solitary confinement, in response to the Birmingham clergy, set out the key moral issues at stake, and scoffed at those who claimed the campaign was illegal

Governor George Wallace

Alabama governor,

JFK's response to violence in Birmingham

Kennedy ordered Army troops into this city and prepared to nationalize the Alabama National Guard

JFK's call to Congress for a Civil Rights Bill (1963)

Kennedy began lobbying in Congress for a broad law that would outlaw segregation in public facilities, and urge fed authorities to deny funds to discriminatory programs, Kennedy finally committed his office and political future to the civil rights cause

March on Washington / A. Phillip Randolph

a broad coalition of civil rights groups planned a massive nonviolent March in this city, this man originally proposed the march in 1941 to protest discrimination against blacks in defense industries

Lyndon B Johnson + Civil Rights

LBJ assured the nation upon becoming president that "the idea and ideals which Kennedy so nobly represented must and will be translated into effective action"
-eager to unite the Dem and prove himself a nat leader, he seized on civil rights as a golden po

Civil Rights Act of 1964

passed under Johnson, this landmark law represented the most significant civil rights legislation since Reconstruction
-prohibited discrimination in most public places
- banned discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or na

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to investigate and litigate cases of job discrimination

Mississippi Freedom Summer 1964

ambitious effort to register black voters and directly challenge the rule of segregation
- launched in spring 1964 by SNCC workers
-recruited over 900 volunteers, mostly white college students, to aid in voter registration, teach in "Freedom Schools" and

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party/ Fannie Lou Hamer

black voters signed up to join the MFDP, in 1964 the Party sent delegated to the National Dem Convention looking to challenge credentials of the all-white standard
-Johnson opposed seating the group b/c he wanted to avoid a devisive floor fight
-this woma

Malcolm X

young activists within SNCC frustrate with the limits of nonviolent protest were drawn to the militant rhetoric of this man
- aspired to create a self-reliant, highly disciplined and proud community- a separate "nation" for blacks
- prominent member for t

Election of 1964

LBJ wins reelection by a landslide, 94% of the black population voted for him,
Republican candidate- Barry Goldwater

24th amendment

outlawed the poll tax or any other tax as a condition of voting

Selma, Alabama/ Bloody Sunday

Movement leaders again decided to create a crisis that would arouse national indignation, pressure Congress, and force federal action
-King chose this Alabama city that had a notorious record for preventing black voting
-planned march from this city to Mo

Voting Rights Act 1965

signed by Johnson
-authorized fed supervision of voter registration in states and counties where fewer than half of voting age residnts were registered
-outlawed literacy and other discriminatory tests in voter registration

League of United Latin American Citizens

launched by Mexican-American veterans of WWII, emphasized learning English, assimilating into American society, improving education, and voting to gain political power

Mendez v. Westminster

1947 California case
upheld lower court rulings that declared segregation of Mexican American unconstitutional


cooperative effort between US and Mexican government to bring Mexicans to the US as temporary agricultural and railroad workers


Hispanic neighborhoods
ex= San Antonio, Los Angeles, El Paso, and Denver

Operation Wetback

trying to curb the flow of undocumented immigrants from Mexico, the Eisenhower administration launched this massive operation, for 3 years the Immigration and Naturalization Service agents rounded up some 3.7 million undocumented migrants and sent them ba

La Raza

new civil rights movement in 60s based on the shared ethnicity and historical experiences of the broader Mexican American community

Jones Act 1917

made Puerto Rico an unincorporated territory of the US & granted US citizenship to all Puerto Ricans

Puerto Rican great migration

*this took place between 1945-1964; the number of Puerto Ricans living on the mainland jumped from 100,000 to 1 million, ECONOMIC OPPORUTNITY

1952 Immigration & Nationality Act

passed over Truman's veto, barred people deemed "subversive" or homosexual from becoming citizens or even visiting the US
*removed the old ban against Japanese immigration and made Issei (1st gen Japanese Americans) eligible for naturalized citizenship

National Congress of American Indians 1965

by the early 60s a new movement was emerging to defend Indian sovereignty
-the NCAI condemned termination calling for a review of fed policies and a return to self-determination
-challenged the goal of assimilation and create a new awareness among whites

Immigration and Nationality Act

(1965) abolished the national origins quota that had been in place since the 1920s and substituted overall hemisphere limits