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Preferred test for c.diff


object penetration thoruhg shoes and socks, what organism


all pts who faint have what pathophysiology

transient generalized cerebral hypoperfusion

what HTN meds cause heart block

beta blockers
alpha blockers

HIT pathophys

autoimmune antibody destruction of platelets

what tx for seborrhea on face

low potency topical corticosteroid

non-caseating granuloma


what drug to lower urine Ca++ to prevent kidney stones


macrocytic megaloblastic anemia is seen in

B12 anemia d/t gastrectomy

primary cause of astham

airway inflammation

who to give zoster vaccine

anyone who isn't CI >60 yo

spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhage tx

no medical care

heterophile antibodies are seen in

epstein barr virus

slow relaxation of DTRs -- what dx


low TIBC, normal to elevated ferritin -- what dx

anemia of chornic dz

63 y/o with 2 month hx weakness and sudden onset palpitations and new afib -- what dx

Grave's disease

melena means blood came from where


klebsiella PNA tx


59 yo male with ecchymoses on body and prolonged PT -- what dx


what drug can precipitate acute gout


MC bacterial pathogen causing illness in pts with HIV

strep PNA

MC etiologic agent for impetigo

group A strep

malignant hyperthermia tx

100% O2

bacterial meningitis CSF

low glucose
elevated protein

pt with solid + liquid dysphagia along with skin difficulties -- what dx


why is chlorthalidone better than HCTZ

longer duration of action

preferred initial therapy for fibrocystic breast changes


paget's disease of bone labs

increased 24 hr urinary excretion of hydroxyproline

18 year old man with headaches. eval shows unruptured cerebral aneurysm - waht is most likely underlying disorder

polycystic kidney disease

hearing loss and transient yellow discharge on pillow -- what dx


which infection of eyelid is painful? which is painless?

chalazion is painless
hordeolum is painful

CSF showing mononuclear cells, normal glucose, slightly elevated protein -- what dx

viral meningitis

CSF showing neutrophils, low glucose, elevated protein -- what dx

bacterial meningitis

patient with myopia is at greatest risk for developing what eye disorder

retinal detachment

what advice should you give to patient on hydroxychloroquine therapy

get opthalmic exams

normal pressure hydrocephalus presentation

urinary incontincence
abnormal gait

lung cancer in apex of left lung most likely complication

horner's syndrome

50% of older patients who have bipolar also have


positive drop arm test -- what dx

cuff tear

treatment for painful crisis in sickle cell disease


c. diff that doesn't respond to metronidazole, what tx

oral vanco

patient with manifestations of chronic adrenal insufficiency - preferred initial diagnostic test

cosyntropin test

uncomplicated cystitis during pregnancy what tx


most likely underlying disorder of raynaud's phenomenon

systemic sclerosis

donezepil adverse effects

diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

acute arterial occlusion preferred inital therapy

IV heparin

MC viral cause of pericarditis

cocksackie virus

why is LMWH better than unfractionated heparin

it has greater bioavailability

what HTN drug cannot be used in pts with nephritic syndrome

ace inhibitors

most likely ocmplication of chronic pancreatitis caused by chronic alcohol abuse


most underlying cause of cranial nerve VI palsy


how do ace-is reduce proteinuria

decreasing intraglomerular pressure

new-onset severe seborrheic dermatitis - what is underlying disorder

HIV infrection

what to monitor in patient on methotrexate therapy

serial liver studies

preferred initial diagnostic test to confirm PAD


primary objective treatment for choledocholithiasis and acute pancreatitis

IV hydration
IV abx

patietn on HCTZ develops unsteady gait, decreased concentrating ability, HAs, mild nausea -- what is most likely cause


anion gap in DKA with emtabolic acidosis


patient with chronic alcohol abuse has acute attack of severe pancreatitis and hypotension -- most likely cause of hypotension is

sequestration of fluid in a 3rd space

screening for AAA

one time screening by abdominal U/S for anyone who has ever smoked between 65-75 y/o

normal exam and torsades de pointes seen in the field are consistent with

congenital long QT interval

treatment of choice for hypotension induced from administration of verapamil is

calcium chloride

what differentiates RA from OA

involvement of MCP joints

low pitched, rumbling diastolic murmur heard best at apex is

austin-flint murmur

sandpaper like rash and sore throat is

scarlet fever

what causes hypotension in patietn wtih chronic adrenal insufficiency


DKA tx

1-3L bolus normal saline over 1 hr

fine red rash over neck and chest, sore throat, HA, fever for 2-3 days is

scarlet fever

nitrite dipstick test is used in assessment of

gram negative bacilli in urine

initial medication therapy for fibro


most sensitive test to indicate myocardial necrosis

troponin I

what medication administered within the first 1-2 weeks of life is assocaited with increased incidence of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis


MC inflammatory disease leading to development of thoracic aortic aneurysm


MC adverse effect of niacin


preferred initial therapy of diabetic autonomic neuropathy manifested by orthostatic hypotension


pathophys of sumatriptan

serotonin agonist acusing vasoconstriction

hypercortisolism caused by ectopic ACTH production from small cell CA of lung is associated with what electrolyte abnormality


what risk factor is negatively correlated with development of a thoracic aortic aneurysm


most specific enzyme for diagnosis of acute pancreatitis


what does aortic regurgitation do to PMI

displaced downward and to the left

what causes apical lift

aortic stenosis

murmur heard in right 2nd ICS is what valve


aortic stenosis symptoms

ASH - angina, syncope, heart failure

mitral regurg/stenosis symptoms

PHD = palpitations, heart failure, dyspnea with exertion

preferred initial test to confirm diagnosis of hirschprung's disease

suction rectal biopsy

prior URI plus vertigo, n/v is

acute labrynthitis

what determines whether anterior talofibular ligament tear has occured

anterior drawer test

somatic manifestations of acute panic attack

chest pain

common side effects of isotrenitoin therapy

dry mouth and nose

initial step in management of cardiogenic shock after MI

IV bolus normal saline or lactated ringers

anti-double stranded DNA and anti-Sm antibodies are seen in what


most common complication of post-strep glomerulonephritis iwth nephritic syndrome is


durg of choice for enuresis in children is


enlargements of DIP are

heberdens nodes

enlargeents of PIP are

bouchards nodes

birds beak on barium swallow =


ST elevation in V1, V2 is what location


ST elevation in 1, aVL, V5, V6 is what location


ST elevation in V3, V4 is what location


patient with no co-morbidities what is first line tx for HTN


what type of shock is most commonly associated with long bone fracture

hypovolemic shock

most likely underlying cause of endometrial cancer is

exogenous estrogen therapy

diastlic harsh rumbling murmur with opening snap that radiates to apex is best heard where

mitral stenosis
best heard with patient on left side at apex of heart

what vaccine is CI in patietns with AIDS

herpes zoster

women epxosed to diethylsillbesterol in utero are at increased risk of developing what

clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina

common extraintestinal complications of crohn's

erytehma nodosum

definitive therapy for acute angle closure glaucoma after initial treatment and stabilization is

laser iridotomy

how to ddx chlamydia vs gonorrhea

gonorrhea usually has purulent discharge, chlamydia d/c is clear

what drugs can worsen psoriasis

beta blockers

treatmetn for insecticide poisoning


low-risk patients who have DVT with or without PE -- what is tx

warfarin for 3 months

new diagnosis of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy - what tx


waht is most sensitive imaging for chronic pancreatitis


recommended management of diarrhea due to viral gastroenteritis

oral rehydration with fluids containing electrolytes

primary mechanism behind GERD

loss of lower esophageal sphincter tone

1st line tx to relieve sxs and promote healing of gastritis


gastric inflammation due to NSAIDs is due to

diminished prostaglandin production

most effective change to reduce symptoms of PUD

smoking cessation

what is tx to prevent NSAID induced ulcers

PPI (omeprazole)

10-days of large-volume liquid stols iwthout blood or mucus is likely due to

pancreatic insufficiency

air fluid levels on KUB =


tx for PMR

low dose prednisone (high dose if above the neck sxs)

what causes osteoporosis

increased bone resorption

patient with ankylosing spondylitis with NSAID resistance what is tx


first line tx for osteoporosis and osteopenia


definitive tx for SCFE

surgical pinning

fiery red painful rash with well-demarcated margins n both cheeks -- what dx


diffuse round-to-oval calicfied lesions on CXR is


pleural effusions and granulomatous lesions on CXR is


TOC for inhalation anthrax


initial menifestation of tetanus

pain and tingling at site of contaminated wound

malaise, headache, abdominal pain, distention, thick green stool -- what dx


atypical lymphocytosis is characteristic of

epstein-barr virus

perioral cyanosis, resonance, wheezing, coarse ronchi -- what dx

chronic bronchtiis

most lung abscess are due to

mixed anaerobes

lung abscess tx

clinda or augmentin

for which of hte microbes implicated in CAP is a urinary antigen test available


oval salmon-colored plaques with crinkle appearing centers -- what dx

pityriasis rosea

first line tx of hidradenitis suppurativa

intralesional triamcinolone

itching, burning, stinging of feet with erythematous annular patches with distinct borders, central clearing, fine scales =


MC dermatophye causing athlete's foot

trichophyton rubrum

patchy tanning where areas of skin don't tan is

tinea veriscolor

MC side effects of finasteride

ED and loss of libido

patietnw ith recurrent OM presents iwth ear pain and purulent d/c -- what dx

chronic OM most likely caused by pseudomonas

1st line tx for cerumen impaction

hydrogen peroxide drops

how does metformin lower glucose

decreasing hepatic glucose production and increasing glucose utilization

initial treatment of choice for prolactinoma


in adults with no significant risk factors, how often to do fasting lipid profile

every 5 years

nephrogenic DI labs

low urine osmolality
high plasma oslmolality

how does PTH regulate extracellular calcium concentration

increasing the dissolution of bone mineral by osteoclasts

what artery occlusion is homonymous hemianopsia seen in


what artery occlusion is alexia seen in


what causes huntington disease

trinucleotide repeat

restless leg syndrome tx

dopamine agonist

underlying mechanism of migraine headache

activation of the trigeminal nerve

what vitamin is needed to aid iron absorption

vitamin C

reed-sternberg cells are diagnostic for

hodgkin lyphoma

hypersegmented neutrophils are seen in

b12 deficiency anemia

what is seen on CT of patient with schizophrenia

ventricular enlargement

for which antipsychotic med is periodic eye exam recommended


which antipsychotic is most strongly associated iwth weight gain


what is best tx after stressful event to reduce risk of PTSD

brief psychotherapy

MC cause of fugue state

emotional crisis

what med may slow the absorption of lorazepam/BZDs


initial treatment of choice for molar pregnancy

suction curettage

septated irregular mass on U/S is indicative of

ovarian CA

large multinodular whorled mass on U/S =


well-defined hypoechoic mass on U/S =

ovarian cyst

clustered polymorphic microcalcificatinos in branch shapes seen on mammogram is

ductal carcinoma in situ

patient on ACE wishes to become pregnant - what do you do for HTN

switch to methyldopa

hypokalemia that is refractory to K+ administration - waht other electrolyte disturbance shoul dbe looked for


what slows progression of pulmonary HTN

supplemental oxygen

MC cause of restrictive cardiomyopathy


TOC for fever and pain in rheumatic fever


what ECG finding would confirm suspected dx of angina

downsloping ST segment depression

what abx class can oyu not give to patietn with long QT syndrome


roth spots

retinal lesions

osler nodes

painful violaceous lesions of fingers, toes, or feet

janeway lesions

painless erythematous lesions of palms and soles

best method to differentiate betweeen exacerbation of angina and acute MI is

cardiac biomarkers

Patient with unstable angina in addition to ASA, metoprolol, and heparin, what else do you give?


Menses with longer intervals between each menstruation is called


Clear vesicles and erythematous ulcers on vagina -- what dx


left shift refers to

increase in the number of immature neutrophils

MC presentation of sickle cell anemia in infant

hand and foot syndrome

Most specific antibodies for SLE

anti-Sm and anti-double stranded DNA

hilar mass with mediastinal adenopathy on CXR -- what dx

small cell carcinoma

post-splenectomy most likely infecting organisms

step pneumo
n. meningitides
h. flu

rapid withdrawal of BZD therapy can cause


patient with GERD and frequent heartburn has newly diagnosed hyperlipidemia - what medicine shoudl not be prescribed?


patient with portal hypertension - waht else to give in addition to furosemide


preferred initial therapy class in alzheimer's

cholinesterase inhibitor

MC cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism

end stage renal disease

ear canal shows fluffy white debris and exfoliated scales of black material - what dx

fungal OE

elevated serum level of CRP is predictor of what

future cardiovascular events

decreased TSH with hypothyroid symptoms -- what dx

secondary hypothyroidism

what antibiotic to give 30 minutes before appendectomy


what antibiotic to give 30 minutes before appendectomy in PCN allergic pt

gentamycin + clindamycin or metronidazole

pseudogout treatment

intra-articular steroid
oral NSAIDs

what finding in urine is suggestive of pyelo

white blood cell casts

what sound is most likely to be heard in patient with active angina and no evidence of heart failure


newly diagnosed HTN in patient with no meds and no other abnormalities except hypokalemia -- what dx

primary aldosteronism

L2/L3/L4 radiculopathy has weakness in what muscles

hip adduction
hip flexion
knee extension

MC adverse effects of amiodarone

skin discoloration

radiographic sign most suggestive of pseudogout


preferred initial drug class for tx of tourette

dopamine receptor blocker

what causes dawn phenomenon

increased growth hormone activity

Ptosis, facial muscle weakness, diplopia, and dysphagia that has been progressively worsening for the past year - what dx

myasthenia gravis

what heart problem is most likely cause of lung abscess

tricuspid valve endocarditis

1 week history of drenching night sweats, fatigue, generalized lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly -- what dx


bilateral acoustic neuromas occur with what disease

neurofibromatosis type 2

middle aged man with chest pain and subcutaneous emphysema after recent vomiting -- what dx

esophageal rupture

child who ate fava beans adn then has headache, nausea, dark red-brown urine -- what dx

G6PD deficiency

MC side effect of amlodipine

peripheral edema

in addition to ejection murmur in aortic area, what else do you hear with aortic stenosis

apical S4 gallop

thiamine and vitamin E deficiency cause what similar symptoms

neuropathy and cerebellar/ataxia symptoms

transverse fracture through radial styloid process is called what

hutchinson's fracture

multiple cafe au lait spots are assocaited with what


what HTN meds are CI in patient with gout

loop diuretics

most undrelying disorder for pre-menopausal osteoporosis

cushing's disease

most likely causes of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

epistein barr

what happens to calcium in hypoparathyroidism


MC cause of positive stool guic test is

peptic ulcer disease

what skin disorder is associated with acute rheumatic fever

erythema marginatum

treatment for bacterial sinusitis in child allergic to PCN


aortic valve stenosis primary pathophysiologic abnormality

increased afterload

wide pulse pressure =

aortic regurg

sunburst pattern on XR =


moth eaten pattern and onion peel appearance on XR =

ewing sarcoma

what is ocular risk of juvenile RA


urge incontinence is due to what

over activity of detrusor muscle

prerenal failure BUN:Cr

> 20:1

prerenal failure urine sodium


intrinsic renal failure BUN:Cr


intrinsic renal failure urinary sodium


addison's electrolyte abnormalities


bite cells are seen in


heinz bodies are seen in


howell jowel bodies are seen in

sickle cell

auer rods are seen in


philadelphia chromosome is seen in


bence jones protein is seen in

multiple myeloma

rouuleax formation is seen in

multiple myeloma

wickham striae are seen in

lichen planus

india ink stain =


multiple ring enhancing lesions =


cough, coryza, conjunctivitis =


koplik spots =


forcheimer spots =


high fever that resolves then rash appears =


right heart failure in infats clinically manifests as


MC malignancies associated with superior vena cava syndrome

small cell lung CA

Anion gap calculation

Na - (Cl + HCO3)

slow carotid upstroke, bibasilar rales, apical lift -- what dx

aortic stenosis

MC cardiac congenital abnormality in infant of T1DM mother

transposition of great arteries

tendinous xanthomas is associated with

premature atherosclerosis (thus carotid artery disease)

XR of small bowel in crohn's patient shows

narrow lumen

gram negative bacteremia is MC caused by what diseases

perforated bowel
ascending cholangitis

LSIL in patient 21-24 -- what is next step

repeat pap in 12 months

most likely transient adverse effect of adenosine

AV block

definitive treatment of hyperkalemia


gustatory rhinitis tx

nasal ipratropium

preferred med for endocarditis prophylaxis in non-PCN allergic pt


hip pain in patient wtih sickle cell is due to

bone infarction

common complications of chronic amiodarone therapy


patients born wtih VSD, ASD, or PDA are at increased risk for developing


child with angina - angina is most likely due to

hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
anomalous coronary artery

hypertropic cardiomyopathy preferred initial treatmetn

beta blocker

pregnant woman with CAP - what tx


what to ACE inhibitors do to heart

decrease preload and afterload

what distinguishes diastolic left heart failure from right heart failure

pulmonary crackles

hypermagnesemia presentation

weakness, n/v
wide QRS, long PR

pregnant woman with sinusitis - what tx


what kind of effusion does TB cause


initial imaging for cholecystitis


d-dimer is a measure of what

degradation product of fibrin

patient with chronic bronchitis and chronic afib - what tx


hashimotos patients have antibodies to

thyroid peroxidase

if haloperidol is ineffective in tourettes what is next choice for tx


50% of h. pylori strains are resistant to what


urge incontinence is due to what


verapamil and diltiazem most likely adverse effect

AV block

what vitamin deficiency can cause high output heart failure

vitamin B1