GYN Back to Front

when does the follicular phase occur

day 1-14

what happens during follicular phase

FSH, LH receptors upregulate
ptrogesterone levels low
estrogen is dominant hormone

when does ovulation cocur

14 days prior to menses

why does ovulation occur

estrogen induced LH surge

when is luteal phase

days 15-28

what happens during luteal phase

corpus lutuem develops and protuces progesterone and estrogen
endometrial vascularity and secretory action increase

what is dominant hormone in luteal phase


what is menses

sloughing of endometrium due to withdrawal of progesterone and estrogen

average age of onset of premenstrual syndrome

26 years

during which phase do premenstrual symptoms occur

luteal phase

premenstrual syndrome tx

oral contraceptives

when does primary dysmenorhea occur

after menarche

underlying patho of primary dysmenorrhea

endogenous prostaglandins

toxic shock syndrome pathogens

s. aureus
group a strep

toxic shock syndrome presentation

high fever
rash on hands and feet
muscle aches

first line tx of toxic shock syndrome

clindamycin IV

primary amenorrhea is

absence of menstruation by age 16

primary amenorrhea with breast development but no axillary hair -- what dx

androgen insensitivity

normal secondary sexual characteristics but no period -- what dx

imperforate hymen
vaginal septum
mullerian agenesis

incomplete development of sexual characteristics -- what dx

hypothalamic or pituitary tumor
premature ovarian failure

labs for diagnosis of primary amenorrhea

quant beta hcg
thyroid panel
estrogen, progesterone

women who who previously menstruated with absence of menses for 6 months or longer -- what possible dx

asherman's syndrome

MC cause secondary amenorrhea


menopause patho

decrease in ovarian function and estrogen production
increase in gnrh and fsh production

onset of menopause before age 40 is

premature ovarian failure

diagnosis of menopause

FSH > 30
decrased estradiol

how does HRT help

relieves vasomotor sxs
prevents/slows osteoporosis
alleviates atrophy, psych sxs
prevents colorectal cancer

HRT contraindications

increased triglycerides
undiagosed vaginal bleeding
endometrial CA
hx breast CA
estrogen sensitive CA


solid, noncancerous mass of uterine wall

leiomyoma presentation

abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pressure or pain

MC surgical tx leiomyoma


endometriosis presentation


MC symptoms of endometriosis

abnormal bleeding and pelvic pain

endometriosis pain occurs

just before or during menses

most common GYN maliganncy

endometrial cancer

endometrial cancer occurs because

excessive endogenous or exogenous estrogen unopposed by progestin causes increased endometrial lining and histologic changes

endometrial cancer presentation

abnormal bleeding
lower abdominal pain
increased bloating
pelvic heaviness

follicular cysts

thin walled, unilocular lined with granulosa cells

follicular cysts tx

most resolve in 6-12 weeks

follocular cysts monitoring

monitor with u/s in 6-8 weeks

corpus luteum cyst MC site

right side due to increased luminal pressure from IVC

when does corpus luteum cyst rupture

day 20-26 of cycle

polycystic ovaries look like

string of pearls

struma ovarri tissue

adult thyroid tissue most predominant

endometriomas presentation

pelvic pain

endometriomas histology

endometrial glands
hemosideren laden macrophages

MC type of ovarian neoplasm


tumor marker for ovarian cancers


HPV strains responsible for most cervical cancers

HPV 16 and 18

ASCUS on pap -- what is next step

repeat in 6-12 months
HPV testing

ASCUS HPV negative on pap -- what is next step

repeat pap in 12 months

ASCUS HPV postiive on pap -- what is next step


ASCUS cannot excluse HSIL on pap -- what is next step


LSIS on pap -- what is next step


LSIL if not pregnant or no lesion seen on colpo -- what is next step

ECC sampling

LSIL if colpo unsatisfactory -- what is next step

ECC sampling

LSIL if pregnant -- what is next step

colpo but no bx
if colpo negative, f/u 6 weeks post partum

HSIL -- waht is next step

colpo with ECC or LEEP

trichomonas presentation

copious frothy-grey-white to yellow-green malodorous discharge
dysuria, dyspareunia, post-coital bleeding

trichomonas dx

wet prep shows flagellated protozoa

trichomonas tx

oral metronidazole

gonorrhea presentation

prurulent vaginal discharge
abdominal pain

gonorrhea dx

gram stain or vaginal cultures or PCR

gonorrhea tx


chlamydia presentation

clear vaginal discharge
dysuria, dyspareunia, postcoital bleeidng
lower abdominal pain

chlamydia dx

vaginal cultures or PCR

chlamydia tx

azithromycin 1 dose or doxy BID for 7 days

PID tx

ceftriaxone or cefoxin plus doxy

PID exam

significant cervical tenderness

chancroid pathogen

haemophilus ducreyi

chancroid presentation

painful ulcerative lesions with sharply defined borders

chancroid tx

azithromycin or erytrhomyicn

syphillis pathogen

spirochete trponema pallidium

primary syphilis presetnation

single painless chancre of genetalia

seocndary syphilis presentation

skin rash on palms and soles
mucous membranes lesions

tertiary syphilis prresentation

neurologic sequelae

syphilis dx

confirm with FTA via dark field microscopy

syphilis tx if had for < 1 yr

PCN G one dose
doxy or azithromycin if PCN allergic

syphilis tx for pregnant pt allergic to PCN

desensitize and tx with PCN

vaginal herpes presentation

multiple painful, shallow ulcers
fever, swollen lymph nodes, flu like sxs

vaginal herpes dx

viral culture of ulcer
serum antibody levels HSV 1 or 2 IgG and IgM

condyloma acuminata pathogens

HPV types 6 and 11

condyloma acuminata presetnation

small flesh colored cauliflower like bumps on external genetalia, vaginal mucosa, cervix, anus

candida vaginitis pathogen

fungal species that overgrows at pH of <4.5

candidia vaginitis presetnation

clumpy or cheesy vaginal discharge

candidia vaginitis dx

wet prep shows +KOH or vaginal cultures show hyphae

candida vaginitis tx

fluconazole 150mg PO x1

bacterial vaginosis presentation

green or yellow fishy discharge

bacterial vaginitis dx

wet prep showing epithelial celsl with bacteria coating surface
"clue cells"
+Whiff test

bacterial vaginosis tx

oral or topical metronidazole

uterine prolapse diagnosis

evaluation of bladder emptying and post void residual


descent of anterior vaginal wall alongw ith bladder into vaginal canal

cystocele presentation

perceived or discovered bulge into vagina
pelvic pressure
urinary dysfunction

cystocele dx

voiding studies
urodynamic studies


dsecent of posterior vaginal wall along with rectum into vaginal canal

rectocele presentation

perceived or discovered bulge into vagina
problem with defecation
low back pain

Mastitis MC pathogen

s. aureus

MC cause of breast abscess

s. aureus

breast abscess diagnosis

breast U/S and mammo in non-lactating women

breast abscess tx

I&D with abx
must continue to express milk

MC breast tumor in adolescent women


fibroadenoma presentation

painless, firm, rubbery, solitary well defined mobile or slow growing lumps

fibroadenoma dx

U/S and/or mammogram
breast bx to r/o CA

fiboradenoma tx

most masses are needle bx
excision bx with removal of entire tumor
many are left and monitored

fibrocystic breast disease

painful, swollen, lumpy breasts prior to or during mesnes

cause of fibrocystic breast disease

ovarian hormones

fibrocystic breast dz dx

U/S and/or mammogram

MC breast cancer

ductal carcinoma

gold standard screening for breast cancer


causes of galactorrhea

excessive breast stimulation
disorders of pituitary gland

galactorrhea dx

prolactin, TSH, beta-hcg
analysis of discharge
u/s and/or mammo
MRI to r/o pituitary tumor

when can you do CVS

between 10-12 weeks

when can you do amniocentesis

15-18 weeks

nagele's rule to determine due date

1st day of LMP + 7 days - 3 months + 1 year

when should initial visit be done for pregnancy

6 weeks after LMP

when should U/S be able to detect fetal heart activity

1-2 weeks after 1st missed cycle

first stage of labor

regular contractions with dilation of cervix until fully dilated

second phase of labor
first stage

latent - 1-3 cm
active - 4-10 cm

second stage of labor

from complete dilation to delivery of fetus

shoulder dystocia maternal complications

4th degree lacerations

neonatal complications of shoulder dystocia

brachial plexus injury
fracture of clavicle and humerus

outcome for fetus if untreated Rh icompatability

immune hydrops

chronic HTN in pregnancy definition

BP > 140/90 prior to 20 wks gestation

gestational HTN definition

BP > 140/90 after 20 weeks into pregnancy

HTN meds safe in pregnancy

beta blockers

preeclampsia presentation


ecclampsia presentation

preeclampsia + seizure

preeclampsia tx


seizure prophylaxis for preeclampsia

mag sulfate

how to treat extremely high BP in pregnancy

IV labetalol or hydralazine

when to perform glucose tolerance test

28 weeks

premature rupture of membranes

leak of amniotic fluid at least 1 hour prior to onset of labor

how to dx premature rupture of membranes

nitrazine and fern test

premature rupture of membranes at < 32 weeks tx

metamethasone injections

incompetent cervix presentation

recurrent 2nd trimester miscarraiges

incompetent cervix tx

cervical cerclage at 14-16 weeks

Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy

prior pelvic infection or ectopic pregnancy

ectopic pregnancy presentation

missed menses, bleeidng, pelvic pain
suboptimal rise in beta-hcg

ectopic pregnancy tx

methotrexate, surgical tx

abruptio placenta patho

premature separation of normally implanted placenta from uterine wall

abruptio placenta presentation

painful vaginal bleeding
uterine contractions
fetal distress

abruptio placenta tx

prepare for hemorrahge or preterm delivery

placenta previa patho

implantation of placenta over cervical os

placenta previa presentation

painless vaginal bleedign

placenta previa tx

delivery via c-section

MC cause post partum hemorrhage

uterine atony