Survey Final

Significant event in Gen 3

Fall of man

Promise from Gen 3

Man will crush the head of the serpent, promise of a savior

What 3 things does God promise Abraham?

Descendants as numerous as the stars, land, blessings & redemption

What chapters repeat Abrahamic covenant

Gen 15 & 17

Three patriarchs

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

Jacob's 12 sons become what?

12 Tribes of Israel

Transitional character that propels nation of Egypt into Israel


Who did God raise up to set the Israelites free after 400 years of bondage to Egypt


The culmination of the 10 plagues of Egypt is celebrated by the institution of what feast?


After the Israelites are delivered from Pharaoh and his army by passing through the Red Sea, God continues to est his covenant relationship with the Israelites by giving them what?

The Law

According to Exodus 19, God gave the Israelites the Law as a handbook for holiness-guidelines for how to live in a covenant relationship with him because as his chosen people, the Israelites were called to be what?

A kingdom of priests, set apart

With the Law est as guidelines for their holy living, God next gives the people what instructions?

instructions to build the tabernacle

God instituted sacrifices for what purpose?

To atone for sin. He showed them the seriousness of sin in that blood must be shed to atone for it. He was also showing them his grace and mercy because he was willing to accept a substitute rather than put the people to death for their sins.

After 500 years of promises, who gets to lead the people into the promised land, leading military campaigns in the south, central, and north?


Although the Israelites had fought many battles, the book of Judges sets up a problem in chapter 1 that the Israelites didn't do what?

They didn't kick the old inhabitants completely out of the land like God commanded.

As the Israelites are on the verge of entering the promised land, they end up having to instead wander in the wilderness for 40 years because?

Disobedience and unbelief, they believed the doubting spies.

What sin cycle do we see as a result in the book of Judges?


Boaz acts as Ruth's what?

Kinsman Redeemer

Born to the formerly barren Hannah, who grows up learning the role of the priesthood from Eli?


The people were displeased with their leadership through the judges and priests and decide to ask for a tangible show of leadership power and presence and ask for what?

A King

The first anointed by Samuel to rule Israel is who?


The people's king quickly failed, so God sends Samuel to anoint His king, an man named...


I 2 Samuel 7, David, while experiencing a time of great prosperity and blessing sitting in his cedar palace, looks over and sees the Tabernacle and decides he wants to do what?

Build a temple

As wise as Solomon was, and while we initially see his great love for God, later in his rule we see what led to his demise, which was what specifically?

His love for foreign women-idolatry

Northern Kingdom

Israel, capital: Samaria, tribes: other 10

Southern Kingdom

Judah, capital:Jerusalem, tribes: Judah and Benjamin

N. Kingdom has no good kings bc

They all failed to destroy idols and altars

The N. Kingdom that was rotting internally due to there being no good kinds eventually collapses under the attack from what nation?


The S. Kingdom fares slightly better and lasts longer, but eventually, the Israelites are vomited out of the land through three waves of exile under the rule of who?

King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon

In the third invasion of the S. Kingdom in 586BC, the king of Babylon destroys what two major things in Jerusalem?

The temple and the wall of Jerusalem

Though similar to the book of Samuel, 1 Chronicles primarily tries to highlight the good things about David, as well as the descendants of Aaron. Why?

To encourage the people who had remained in Israel coming out of Babylonian captivity.

As the book of Ezra opens, we see the Babylonians have been conquered by the Persians, and God stirs the heart of who to allow about 50.000 Jews to return to Jerusalem?

King Cyrus of Persia

Through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, we see several restoration projects taking place, beginning with a physical restoration through the efforts of Zerubbabel to rebuild what?

The Temple

After 20 years, and having faced great opposition, Zerubbabel finishes his project, and Ezra as a scribe and student of the Law tries to lead the people toward a spiritual restoration after seeing the people in Jerusalem have begun to do what?

Marry people who worship other gods.

Nehemiah wept and was utterly broken over the report from his brother Hanani who tells Nehemiah what?

the wall around Jerusalem still had not been rebuilt

Nehemiah gets permission from the king to return to Jerusalem for what restoration project?

Rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem

Nehamiah and his team face great opposition, largely through the efforts of a couple local governors, Sanbalat and Tobiah, but instead of coming down of the wall what does Nehemiah lead the people to do and how?

Rebuild the wall and carry a weapon with them so they can fight

Esther is a captivating story full of reversal and irony. And while God is seemingly absent, we see his hand at work in preventing Haman's plan to do what? Why would that have been a big deal?

To destroy all of the Jews. Because it would have cut off the line to Jesus.

The history of God's people recorded in the Old Testament comes to a close with Nehemiah's frustration over the lawlessness of his people, which shows us what?

They still need restoration of their hearts from God

Three primary themes in the prophetic books.

Sin, hope, and judgement

The book of Isaiah is a gallery of images the prophet saw. Early on, he reminds the people of their calling to teach all nations, and by chapters 9 and 11 is beginning to pain the picture of what?

A divine king, a redeemer

The most shocking picture Isaiah saw that was absolutely a new revelation to the Jews, was the picture of the one who would save all nations and bring peace was going to come as a what?

A suffering servant

Isaiah closes by describing a picture of the reigning king who is still to come, who will establish what when he returns?

The Messianic kingdom

Jeremiah repeatedly points out God's people's unfaithfulness and adultery is due to what problem?

Refusal to repent

But Jeremiah also points to the hope in Jer 31:31 that God will make what?

a new covenant with Israel

In Lamentations, we see very specific, structured poems of Lament, grieving over what?

Desolate Israel

In Ezekiel, what does Ezekiel see is no longer in the Temple? Where did it go?

The glory of the Lord; it went back to heaven and hovered over them.

Put major characters in order

Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Saul, David, Daniel