Rando ASTR terms

sidereal day

one rotation of earth on its axis

sidereal month

one moon orbit around earth

synodic month

one full cycle of moon phases

right ascension of sun on winter solstice

18 hours


a region of the celestial sphere


a half-circle extending from your horizon due north, through your zenith, to your horizon due south

TaoTona Mine

deepest mine in the world

kola borehole

deepest well in the world

p waves

penetrate both solid and liquid rock

s waves

do not penetrate the liquid core

composition of earth's central core

nickel and iron

composition of the mantle

silicates (rock that contain silicone and oxygen)

composition of crust

dense basalt rock (oceans) and lighter granite (continents)


upper crust and mantle


plastic upper mantle

seafloor spreading

The mid?ocean ridges mark areas where hot
mantle material rises upward, spreads
sideways, and pushes the oceanic plates

result of continent collisions

mountain ranges

� Which of the following most likely explains why Venus does
not have a strong magnetic field?

it rotates too slowly

the earth's atmosphere is made mostly of


How did jovian planets accumulate their atmospheres?

Their rocky and icy cores grew quickly enough that
they were able to gravitationally attract gas from
the protoplanetary disk.

how did terrestrial planets obtain atmospheres?

gasses released in volcanic eruptions, directly from cometes

where did oceans come from?

Volcanic activity releases substantial amounts of water and
gas (mostly carbon dioxide) from the Earth's interior.


smooth, dark lava
flows that cover 17% of the Moon


brighter highlands covered in craters

largest confirmed impact crater on earth

vredefort in south africa

The Venera spacecraft studied the rocks at the
landing site and found that they are primarily
