history 201 final ID terms

Belgian Congo

Colony created by King Leopold II for himself. Extreme violence against indigenous people and ruthless economic exploitation. Belgium took official control in 1908. Split the country into hierarchically organized administrative subdivisions, not indirect

JA Hobson

English economist and critic of Imperialism. Stated that imperialism was not inevitable, but a policy choice as a result of underconsumption. Saw that problem could be solved by increasing income levels, welfare, and unemployment benefits in own countries

Vladmir Lenin

Founder of Russian Communist Party and leader of the Bolshevik Revolution. Had strong Marxist beliefs. Had opposing view on imperialism from Hobson. Also recognized underconsumption but did not see liberal economic policies as a possibility. Believed the

Civilizing Mission

Rationale for intervention/colonization, proposing to contribute to spread of civilization and the Westernization of indigenous peoples. Notable the underlying principle of the French and Portuguese colonial rule in the 19th and 20th centuries. Europeans

Alliance System

European countries decide make alliances due to increased industrialization and arms race. Germany Austria-Hungary, and Italy allied themselves. France and Russia made an alliance. France and Britain made an alliance.

Triple Entente

Alliance of Russia, France, and Britain in WWI

Triple Alliance

Alliance of Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary in WWI

Schliefflen Plan

German military play in WWI. Go through Belgium and quickly knock out France. Then turn west and focus efforts on Russia. Plan did not work, created a fighting stalemate trench war. Plan resulted in Britain joining the war in aid of both France and Russia


Most defining factor of warfare in WWI. In 1914 there were 400 miles of these, at the end of the war there were 25,000 miles of them. Dug deep in to the ground to protect from shells and gun fire. Germans built better ones than the British. incredibly dir

The Battle of Passchendaele

July to November of 1917. incredibly devastating battle. occurred in a massive field of mud. horses would drown in mud due to how thick it was. 600,000 soldiers died. Allies v Germans; failed attempt to create an offensive war.

The Battle of the Somme

July to November of 1916. Due to long stalemate British decide to go over the top of the trenches and try and capture the Germans. The British would shell the germans to try and destroy turrets. German trenches were more advanced and survived attacks. Bri

Christmas Truce

mostly 1914 but occurred in other years, not to the same extent. Germans and British come out of their trenches to drink, smoke and play games together. Both sides realized that the soldiers were the victims of the war, and that the two sides didn't actua


Bolsheviks Russian political party lead by Vladimir Lenin. they were Russian revolutionaries who believed the Russian could not exist in its current form. Try to fundamentally remake Russian culture. Overthrew the Provisional Government in November 1917.

Social Revolutionaries

Major Russian political party in the early 20th century. Key player in the Russian revolution. Party that claimed to represent the peasants. Believed in land redistribution and not Marxist ideals. Main worry was over political parties taking over Russia.

New Economic Policy

Established in 1921 by Lenin. Bolshevik Russia was on brink of economic and social collapse, so they change policy. Instead of taking away all of the farmers grain, they tax and take only 25%, and allow the farmer to sell the other 75%. New policy was a t

Five Year Plans

1928-1938 (two parts). Stalin's plan to increase coal, iron, steel, and other goods output. Employment in these fields soared from 4.6mil to 12.6mil. Heavy industry grew by almost 500%. Private trade and manufacturing abolished. New towns were created fro

Great Purge

1936-1938. Due to Stalin paranoia, Soviet state begins to weed out internal enemies. Thousands of Russians were killed and 20 million were imprisoned in gulags.

Treaty of Versailles

1919. Marked the end of WWI; Treaty from the Peace of Paris that dealt specifically with Germany. Purpose was to create a new world order. Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and many other new states created. Blamed Germany for WWI. Germany was s

League of Nations

A pseudo world government system. created from the treaty of versailles. purpose was to arbitrate disputes between nations, oversee the territories taken away from Germany, and tried to uphold the right of self determination .


A roving paramilitary band of students, demobilized soldiers and others during the Weimar republic in Germany. "the Free Regiment". Fought against the Weimar republic. Seen as precursors to nazism. Many WWI solders who felt betrayed by the home front and


During the Weimar republic Germany tries to print more money to try and pay off debts. Starts in the Ruhr Valley when workers refuse to work, but government must still pay them. Causes enormous economic crisis. Currency finally stabilizes in 1924 with the


Nazi policy to take complete control of german society. Everything that was not affiliated with Nazism was disbanded or forced to become affiliated with nazism. No other political parties were able to form. All trade unions were shut down. Made it so ther


people's community". Purpose was to bridge the divisions of the past and unite all Germans of all class. Became a way of promoting a way of supporting a German super class of like minded, racially pure German Aryans. Jews, socialists, and homosexuals wer

Nuremberg Decrees

Set of laws introduced in Nazi Germany in 1935. Directly attacked Jews. Deprived Jews of citizenship and from marrying other Germans. Forced Jews to wear Jewish stars. Further instilled the idea of an Aryan super race.


Policy by allied powers after WWI, mostly Britain and France, to avoid war by giving in to Germany demands and not stop them from taking over other territories. Did not work and arguably caused WWII to be longer and deadlier.


1938. Germany invades Austria and incorporates it into Nazi Germany. The Austrians welcomed the Nazis as they identified themselves culturally as germans. Allies do nothing as they say its a product of Austrian self determination.

Munich Settlement

1938. British prime minster Neville Chamberlain goes to Munich to talk with Adolf Hitler. Allowed Germany to annex parts of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland. At first celebrated by the Allies as a smart move to avoid war, but Hitler didn't care and m

Nazi-Soviet Pact

August 1939. Pact between Germany and Russia to not fight each other. Secretly agreed that Russia would get Finland, East Poland, and Lithuania while Germany would get the rest of Poland. Insured that Germany would not be fighting a two front war again. G


Nazi killing squads. Ordered to shoot and execute Communist Party officials and Jews. Created mass graves and executed thousands. Executed almost exclusively civilians.

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

1943. Jews in a Polish ghetto try and rebel against the Nazis when they try and take them to concentration camps. Nazis respond by burning the ghetto down to the ground block by block. 13,000 jews were burned alive or suffocated. Only known uprising by th


1941. Polish men committed a massive pogrom in the town killing all but 7 Jews in the town. The pogrom was not prompted or ordered by the Nazis, but committed by neighbors of the Jews. Many Jews rounded up, locked in a barn, then the barn was burned to th

Vichy Regime

1940-1944. Pro-Nazi, fascist government created in France after Nazi invasion. Authoritarian government that abolished trade unions, passed anti-Semitic laws without the prompting of the Nazis, and rounded up and deported many Jews.


Guerrilla French resistance fighters during WWII. Mostly in Vichy regime.

Yalta Conference

February 1945. Meeting of USA (FDR), Britain (Churchill), and Russia (Stalin). Agreed Germany had to be disarmed and de-Nazified. FDR and Stalin wanted Germans to pay $20 Mil in reparations, Churchill warns against it saying they will make the same mistak

Potsdam Conference

July 1945. Meeting of USA (Truman), Britain (Atley), and Russia (Stalin). very different and more hostile tone than the Yalta Conference. Conflicts between the three countries had deepened. Truman announces the creation of atom bomb, and its potential use

Berlin Airlift

1948-1949. Russia incredibly angry that it does not get complete control over Berlin. Decides to make a blockade around Berlin, blocking all western movement into Berlin. Also denies all western forms of currency. Western allies respond with airlifting 8,

Marshall Plan

Announced June 1947. USA economic recovery plan for Europe. Offered to every country in Europe, on the condition that they stop price controls, run balanced budgets, and hold and check wages. Purpose was to revive world economy. 16 western countries accep


Created 1949. North American Treaty Organization. Western countries agree to a mutual defense system, where if one country in the treaty is invaded, all other countries must come to its defense. Warsaw pact created in response by Eastern powers. Seemed li

Trofim Lysenko

1898-1976. Soviet biologist that studied crop production and yield. He refuted Mendelian genetics. Set back biological studies in USSR significantly, but gained the notice and support of Stalin because he motivated the peasants to return to farming. Shows


East German Secret Police created in 1950. One of the most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police agencies to have ever existed. Main purpose was to spy on east german population using a vast network of civilians turned informants. Also f

Communal Apartment

Since the USSR did not accept the Marshall Plan, they needed a way to house civilians without spending a lot of money. Repossessed large apartments from the rich and broke them up into many small apartments where multiple families would live in. Seen as a

Berlin Wall

1961-89. USSR builds to keep East Germans from leaving to West Berlin. Was incredibly effective. Referred as the anti-fascist wall. Coercion at its most naked moment in the USSR.

Nikita Kruschchev

Stalin's successor, in office 1953-1964. Responsible for de-Stalinizing USSR. Claims Stalinism were perversions of Marxism and Leninism. Not very popular among the Soviets, seen as weak and too liberal. Was removed from office in 1964 and replaced by Leon


Policy by many European countries during the Cold War. Government would be removed from the economy and only intervenes if issues arise. Businesses started listening to consumers and producing things they wanted. Workers and owners work together to create

Welfare State

Policy by many European countries during the Cold War. The state should make an explicit commitment for the health, welfare, and happiness of its citizens. You don't get these entitlements because you are respected, but because you are a citizen of the st

Indian National Congress

Indian independence party led by Mahatma Gandhi. Operated by noncooperation.

Muslim League

Indian independence party in opposition of Indian National Congress; disagreed on timing and method of independence. Led by Muhammed Ali Jinnah, who feared the creation of a Hindu India where Muslims would be persecuted. Britain created Pakistan in respon


Two state solution to Indian independence issue enacted in 1947. Muslims would get there own separate state of Pakistan and India would be a nondenominational country with a primarily Hindu population. Perpetuated extraordinary violence as Britain pretty

FLN (National Liberation Front)

1954-1961. Nationalist political party in Algeria that opposed French rule. Main revolutionary body that fought in Algerian revolution. French angry about war, allow De Gaulle to come to power to stop them. De Gaulle realizes war is a losing campaign and


the resurrection of old liberal ideas. small role for state, more economic freedom. Reduction of welfare state programs and tax cuts for the wealthy to promote economic growth.

Prague spring

In 1967, Communist party official Alexander Dubeck called for more social and political openness. USSR unwilling to compromise. But, citizens were restless and actually liked the idea of reform. USSR sends tanks into Prague in 1968 as a show of force. Pra

Alexander Dubeck

Pseudo leader of Prague spring protests. Not a Stalinist. Sees civilian unrest as an opportunity to strengthen socialism by listening to people and reforming aspects of it. Never wanted to abolish socialism, only reform it.


Stagnation + inflation that occurs in the 1970s. OPEC decides to punish western powers for involvement in Middle East, creates an oil shortage and crisis. Europe very dependent on oil, and shortage causes unemployment rates to skyrocket. Creates a stagnat


Polish labor union founded in 1980 by Lech Walesa. Demanded greater role for workers in a worker's state. Wanted more liberties and freedoms for polish government and to take independence from USSR. Forced underground, but still incredibly powerful. Pushe

Mikhail Gorbachev

Head of Communist Party in 1985. Law student who was inspired by Khrushchev's anti-Stalinism speeches. Believed communist party could be saved with reform. Stressed the importance of openness about Soviet history and forwardness in granting autonomy. Lead


The longing of post- communist subjects for Soviet made goods. After the fall of the USSR many missed the old ways during this difficult transition period

Yugoslav Civil War

1990s. Many states after the fall of Soviet Union declare independence. States begin fighting each other, and the violence gets directed at civilians. Each nationality tried to make their own territories pure through ethnic cleansing/genocide.


Introduced in 1995, became an accounting currency in 1999, and physical money printed in 2002. A single currency within 2/3 of EU member states. Creates closer integration across Europe.