QUIZ 1 Intro learning and the brain


Is the following statement true or false? (5 points)
Educational psychology is simply psychology applied to education.


Three of the following characterize virtually all instances of human learning. Which one is NOT necessarily an aspect of human learning?

Conscious thought is involved to some extent.

Which one of the following is NOT an example of learning?

Abigail cries when she steps on a sharp pebble.

John has trouble tracing a complex shape with a pencil when he is in kindergarten, but he can do it quite well by the time he is in second grade. Is this an instance of learning?

Maybe, although the change may simply be due to physiological maturation.

In Amy's Teaching Statement, she emphasizes her beliefs that learning happens when associations are made through practice and reinforcement, and the outcome of learning is change in behavior. Which of the following theories best aligns with Amy's beliefs.

Behaviorism - B.F. Skinner

Which of the following is a theory of learning rather than a principle?

People learn by making mental associations between new information and
their existing knowledge.

Theories are advantageous in several ways. Three of the following describe advantages of learning theories. Which one does NOT?

Theories enable objective, unbiased reporting of research findings.

Mrs. Smith, a high school science teacher, allows her students the opportunity to learn through discovery. She describes herself as the facilitator of student learning. Mrs. Smith is taking a(n) ________ approach to instruction.


Upon reception of (external) stimulation, electrical/chemical signals typically travel the following path from one neuron to another. (5 points)
A? ____? ____? ____? ____? ____? G

(A) (external) stimulation
(B) soma
(C) synaptic gaps
(D) dendrites (first neuron)
(E) terminal buttons
(F) axon
(G) dendrites (another neuron)

The processing of sensory information from the eyes is carried out in which lobe of the cerebral cortex?


In order to arouse students' attention, teachers often resort to techniques that produce novel, intense, and moving stimuli so that they can successful pass the filtration of _____ to the appropriate areas of the cortex.


The process of myelination mostly happens during which stage of an individual's life?

Early childhood

Patients who suffer from head traumas may experience difficulty remembering events immediately leading up to the accidents. Which of the following process is speculated to be interrupted and lead to such instances.


Which one of the following best exemplifies experience-dependent plasticity?

Learning how to read

In the human brain, a great deal of synaptic pruning occurs in early childhood. This pruning appears to be:

an adaptive process that allows children to deal more efficiently with their

One of the most common issues a teacher has to address is to draw and maintain students' attention. From a neurological perspective, which of the following teachers are successful in attention management in their respective contexts.

(D) All of the above

Which of the following statement is NOT true about motivational states?

A motivational state can only be achieved upon the presence of rewards.

The complexity of brain research coupled with a general fascination with the brain has yielded myths about the brain. Identify some myths from the following options. (Multiple answers.)

A)We use only 10% of the brain.
(B) You can learn while you sleep.
(C) Men and women have different brains.
(D) People are right-brained and left-brained.

Which one of the following best describes psychologists' current beliefs about the brain and learning?

Learning involves changes in synapses and possibly also involves the growth
of new neurons and astrocytes.

According to the textbook, which one of the following conclusions is most educationally warranted from research on brain development?

Classroom experiences can significantly enhance people's cognitive development throughout the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary school years.

(BONUS) Consolidation of memory is thought to occur in which brain structure?

The hippocampus

QUIZ 2 Behaviorism


Behavioral theories of learning emphasize_____.

observable actions

Which one of the following characteristics of behaviorist learning theories is a direct outgrowth of the equipotentiality assumption?

Conclusions derived from research with rats are applicable to human

When behaviorists describe an organism as a "black box," they mean that:

(B) Learning processes occurring within the organism cannot be studied

During music class, Lisa enthusiastically sings aloud with her class, but the teacher comments, "Lisa, sound like an owl in a torture chamber." Lisa turns bright red. The next week she feels ill when it is time to go to music class again. Fee

classical conditioning.

In the above example involving Lisa, feeling ill at the prospect of going to the music class served as the

conditioned response

After a painful experience at one dentist's office, Teresa's mother takes Teresa to a different dentist, who takes great care to make her visits painless. Teresa is anxious at first, but after a few visits, Teresa gradually becomes less resistant about go

extinction; spontaneous recovery

If students associate failure with punishment, and then associate playing sports with failure, they may begin to fear playing sports through a process of _____.

higher-order conditioning

The law of effect in Thorndike's theory of learning is related to the concept of _____


Operant conditioning differs from classical conditioning by...

focusing on the consequences of voluntary behavior.

A consequence is defined by Skinner as a reinforcer or a punisher depending on whether it

increases or decreases the frequency of the behavior that it follows.

Mr. Lynch always uses his "mean" face to stop undesirable behavior in his first-period class. However, even though he looks at Tommy with his mean face each time Tommy talks out of turn, Tommy is talking out of turn more and more frequently. For Tommy, th

positive reinforcer

You finally take out the garbage in order to get your father to stop pestering you. Your behavior is being influenced by _____.

negative reinforcement

17-year-old Kelly receives a ticket for speeding. Her parents take away the privilege of using

negative punishment

Slot machines that pay off after an indeterminate number of uses illustrate what schedule of reinforcement?


What schedule of reinforcement is most likely to be involved when teachers give "pop" quizzes?


Bart uses an old cigarette lighter that has become unreliable. It usually takes from one to 10 flicks to make it work. When the lighter is out of fluid, it will not work at all. By the time that Bart figures out the problem, he has tried flicking it 15 to

variable-reinforcement schedules will produce the greatest persistence.

Kathy frequently makes faces at her classmates. Instead of punishing her for making faces, the teacher has the students totally ignore Kathy. This example illustrates the teacher's attempt at


The Premack Principle states that

a preferred activity is a reinforcer for a less-preferred activity.

Aletha has been having difficulty in her first-period history class. One day Aletha misses the school bus. She has to walk to school and doesn't arrive until after her history class is over. Aletha begins missing the bus (and therefore arriving at school

Avoidance learning

Which one of the following objectives meets criteria presented in class?

Students in this class will correctly conjugate five out of six French verbs in
both present and past tenses given the assistance of a dictionary.

Three of the following common criticisms of using behaviorist approaches in

If some misbehaviors are reduced through reinforcement or punishment, other misbehaviors will always spring up to replace them.

QUIZ 3 Social Cognitive Theory


Social cognitive theory can best be characterized as being concerned with learning

through observations of others

Sharon knows that Kathy frequently completes her assignments long after they are due. She has noticed that their teacher willingly accepts Kathy's late assignments because Kathy always has a creative excuse for turning them in late. Sharon begins to do th

Modeling and vicarious reinforcement

Three of the following ideas are integral parts of social cognitive theory. Which one is NOT?

People's behaviors are always the direct results of the specific environments in which they live.

Learning by observing others is

an effective way to learning new knowledge and skills.

Which one of the following is an example of vicarious reinforcement?

Alice notices that her friend Ellen gets extra attention from the teacher when she acts helpless. Alice begins to act helpless as well.

According to social cognitive theorists, reinforcement affects learning because it:

Establishes a certain expectation in the learner

Which one of the following is the best example of a symbolic model?

A detective on a television show

Which one of the following best illustrates cognitive modeling?

A science teacher thinks aloud, "How can I determine what makes this pendulum swing fast or slowly? Hmm, I'll change the amount of weight on the bottom, but I need to keep the length the same so I'll know that any change in speed isn't due to length.

Three of the following alternatives depict situations in which a teacher is facilitating the retention component of modeling. Which one does not depict such a situation?

Mr. Byers suggests, "Let's play some background music while I show you how to use the dipstick to measure your oil level.

In Bandura's social cognitive learning theory, the interaction among personal factors, environmental events, and behaviors is called

reciprocal determinism.

According to Bandura, expectations are part of which one of the elements that comprise reciprocal determinism model?

Personal factors

If we consider the concept of reciprocal determinism, we must conclude that students' experiences in the classroom are influenced:

Both by classroom events and by what students themselves do

Which one of the following options best describes the disinhibition effect that social cognitive theorists describe?

People may engage in a previously prohibited behavior if they see someone
else being reinforced for that behavior.

Ms. Jackson's perception of her capabilities to effectively deal with a particular task is her sense of


A student who successfully converts a fraction to a decimal yells out "I did it.. I can do it" is believed to gained a high-sense efficacy in this particular math skill through which of the following sources.

Mastery experience.

When failure does occur, self-regulated learners are LESS likely to

get defensive

. What are the steps involved in self-regulated learning?

Analyzing the task, setting goals, devising plans, enacting strategies

. In addition to academic learning skills, self-regulated learners have

good self-control abilities.

Research on self-efficacy and achievement suggests that school achievement is improved and self-efficacy is increased when students (IDK if this one is right)

B)advocate controllable activities rather than tasks that are beyond their
(C) develop high expectations even in the face of difficulties.
(D) receive rewards or other reinforcements based on the quality of their

T/F) A student who takes a break and asks herself "what I am doing is not working, maybe
I should start over" is demonstrating self-regulated learning.


Which one of the following instances of learning can be explained more easily by social cognitive theory than by operant conditioning?

Playing the role of a German soldier in the school play, Andy says his lines
using a German accent similar to one he's heard in the movies a few times.

Quiz 4 Developmental Constructivism


Which one of the following statements best describes Piaget's view of how children acquire knowledge about the world?

Children actively construct their own view of the world from their experiences with the environment.

Louis receives a new soccer ball and begins to dribble it in the same way he dribbles his basketball. His dribbling of the new ball reflects Piaget's notion of:


Which one of the following clearly illustrates Piaget's concept of assimilation?

Five-year-old Harvey draws on the chalkboard with a large white crayon
instead of with chalk.

Which one of the following best illustrates Piaget's concept of accommodation?

Donna revises her understanding of what clouds are like when she studies
them in science.

Which one of the following teachers is definitely keeping in mind Piaget's idea that assimilation and accommodation are both necessary for learning and cognitive development to occur?

Mr. Baretta shows students how a new topic is similar to the things they already know, but also different in certain ways.

Which one of the following best describes Piaget's notion of equilibration?

A child revises existing schemes to better understand new phenomenon.

When we try a particular strategy and it does not work, the discomfort we experience is called


According to Piaget, three of the following are essential for cognitive development. Which one is NOT?

High self-esteem

In Piaget's theory, an understanding of object permanence is acquired during what period of development?

Late Sensorimotor

Which one of the following examples best illustrates Piaget's concept of object permanence?

Two-year-old Jasmine looks for a favorite toy her father has just hidden in a box.

Piaget spoke of egocentrism as a characteristic of preoperational thought. Three of the
following are examples of egocentrism as Piaget defined it. Which one is not an example of preoperational egocentrism?

Justin is constantly grabbing objects and pulling them toward himself.

Carl can correctly answer a question such as, "If all flegs are blats, and if all blats are dulms, are all flegs also dulms?" From Piaget's perspective, Carl is most likely in the _______ stage of cognitive development.

formal operational

Roger is shown two piles of sand and says that each pile has the same amount. However, when one pile is flattened with a shovel, he now claims emphatically, "The flat pile has less sand." Based on this information, Roger is probably in Piaget's _______ st


Imagine that you are a fourth-grade teacher. If you were to make predictions based on Piaget's stages of cognitive development, you would expect most or all of your students to exhibit _______ thinking.

concrete operational

The following four junior high school science teachers are teaching the concept molecule to their students. In each classroom, some of the students are at Piaget's formal operations stage and others are at the concrete operations stage. In which classroom

Mr. Carmen verbally describes how different elements are made up of
different numbers of neutrons, protons, and electrons.

Which one of the following statements best illustrates a neo-Piagetian approach to cognitive development?

As children grow older, their increasing working memory capacity enables them to think in qualitatively more sophisticated ways about particular content domains.

Which one of the following strategies is most likely to help students learn from a discovery learning activity?

Providing some structure to guide students' explorations

. Which one of the following would Piaget be LEAST likely to advocate for elementary school children?

Lectures that describe interesting scientific facts

Current views about Piaget's theory generally support the idea that

Piaget tended to underestimate children's abilities and overlook the social and cultural issues.

According to Piaget, most adults may be able to use formal operational thought in only a few areas in which they have the greatest interest or experience.


According to our discussion about Piaget's developmental theories, what do you think is Piaget's position on the question of speeding up cognitive development?

Acceleration is both inefficient and useless.

Quiz 5 Sociocultural Constructivism

Quiz 5

Central to Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development is the idea that children increasingly make better sense of their world:

By interacting with more experienced people who mediate their understandings

Which one of the following statements most accurately describes Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development?

Children progress, in part, by working on difficult tasks with the assistance of more competent individuals.

In Vygotsky's theory, three of the following would be considered lower mental functions. Which one would be considered a higher mental function?

Adding 3 and 3 to get 6

According to Vygotsky, a child's cultural development is

co-constructed learning and shared experiences.

In Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development, what important role does private speech play?

By giving themselves directions about the things to do and in what order,
children guide themselves through complex tasks.

Which one of the following statements best describes Vygotsky's concept of internalization?

Through their social interactions with other people, children acquire ways of mentally approaching and thinking about challenging tasks.

Xavier loves to write poetry. Often he uses techniques that his favorite poets use, but typically he modifies these techniques to better suit his own style. This situation illustrates which one of the following concepts in Vygotsky's theory?


Application of Vygotsky's zone of proximal development concept would include

making new tasks slightly beyond the student's current level of ability.

Which one of the following students is definitely working in his or her zone of proximal development?

Berta is beginning to learn basic woodworking techniques. She has trouble hammering a nail straight into a piece of wood unless her teacher stands beside her, helping her and reminding her of what to do.

From a Vygotskian perspective, scaffolding serves what purpose in instruction?

It supports children as they perform difficult tasks.

Three of the following teachers are providing scaffolding to help their students learn. Which one is NOT necessarily providing scaffolding?

Mr. Donaldson takes his students on an all-day field trip to the art museum.

Several parents who are making costumes for an elementary school play ask the young cast members to assist them with such tasks as cutting fabric, pinning pieces together, and sewing simple hems. Using the language of Vygotskian theorists, we can say that

Engaging the students in guided participation

Which one of the following examples illustrates a cognitive apprenticeship?

Ms. Lupinsky and a student work together to solve a challenging word problem, with Ms. Lupinsky modeling effective ways of thinking about the problem.

Ms. Killian and her fourth graders have been growing sunflowers under various conditions� they have grown sunflowers in different kinds of soil, with different amounts of water, and in varying degrees of sunlight. Below are four statements that Ms. Killia

This sunflower is taller than that sunflower over there. Let's consider what the growing conditions for the two flowers have been and try to figure out what might have led to the difference we see.

If you wanted to take a Vygotskian approach to teaching students a new study strategy, you would be most likely to:

Initially work collaboratively with students in applying the strategy,
gradually withdrawing your support as they become more proficient in using

Which one of the following situations best illustrates situated learning?

Twelve-year-old Andrew bakes often at home and can easily figure out how
much flour he needs when he cuts in half a cookie recipe that calls for 21/4 cups of flour. Yet Andrew has trouble making similar calculations in his math class.

A community of learners can best be described as:

A classroom in which a cooperative spirit of helping one another learn

Vygotsky's view of cognitive development differs from Piaget's in the importance and emphasis placed on a person's

interpersonal interactions.

Piaget called children's self-directed talk ________ while Vygotsky called the same behavior ________.

egocentric speech; private speech

(T/F)The basic difference between Piaget and Vygotsky's views of cognitive development is in attention paid to genetic factors.


Three of the following are likely to enhance the effectiveness of a community of learners. Which one is least likely to be helpful?

Students all try to master the same topic.



An instructional objective that requires students to summarize a definition in their own words is at the "________" level in Bloom's taxonomy.


Which one of the following is the best illustration of "synthesizing" within Bloom's taxonomy?

Georgette writes a justification for corporal punishment using information from her sociology and psychology classes.

In which one of the following examples is metacognition most clearly illustrated?

Fran knows how much of a book she is likely to remember a month later.

Donald is studying for an upcoming exam. He does a number of things to prepare for the exam, four of which are listed below. Three of these illustrate metacognition. Which one reflects very little metacognitive activity?

He focuses his eyes on the first page of his textbook.

Three of the following students are using metacognitive strategies while reading. Which one is not necessarily using a metacognitive strategy?

Pablo prefers to read out loud so he can hear what the words sound like.

Which one of the following statements is TRUE?

Metacognitive knowledge and skills can be learned and improved.

As children develop, their metacognitive knowledge changes in a number of ways. Which one of the following is a false statement about how metacognition changes with development?

Younger children are more aware of their own thought processes than older
children are.

What are the steps involved in self-regulated learning?

Analyzing the task, setting goals, devising plans, enacting strategies

Zimmerman's model of self-regulated learning ends the cycle with

the individual reflecting upon what has been learned and thinking about his
or her performance.

Three of the following are characteristics of self-regulated learning. Which one is NOT necessarily a characteristic associated with self-regulated learning?

Working non-stop to achieve the instructional objectives the teacher has

Three of the following students are showing signs of self-regulated learning. Which student does NOT show any evidence of self-regulated learning

Adam beams with pleasure when his teacher praises his English essay,
because her opinion of his work is very important to him.

Roberto, an eleventh grade student, rereads his poem for the third time and asks himself again "is this poem finished?" Roberto is engaging in ________ thinking.


On the average, self-regulated learners tend to:

Achieve at higher levels in the classroom

Concept maps, whether constructed by students or teachers, have several advantages. Which one of the following is not necessarily an advantage of concept maps?

They encourage cooperative learning because they can be constructed only when two or more students work together.

Mary is majoring in drama. Mary's parents insisted that she learns Latin as a way of strengthening her mind, and argue that, when she is in a play, she will be able to learn her lines more easily. Based on their reasoning, which one of the following theor

Formal discipline

According to Thorndike's theory of identical elements, in which one of the following situations are we most likely to find positive transfer?

Brianne learns how to add 2-digit numbers and then learns how to add 3-digit

Which one of the following illustrates positive transfer?

Zelda uses the formula for calculating the area of a circle when she wants to know how much bigger a 10-inch pizza is than a 7-inch pizza.

Which one of the following is the best example of negative transfer?

Nell sees the symbol for five-squared ("52") in her math book and reads it as

Which one of the following most clearly illustrates vertical (as opposed to lateral) transfer?

Conway's knowledge of addition and subtraction helps him learn accounting procedures.

In English, the word llama is pronounced "LA-MA." In Spanish, the same word is pronounced "YA-MA" (the double-L is pronounced similarly to a "Y" sound). Analyzing this situation in terms of the similarity of stimuli and responses, we can predict that a pe

Suffer from negative transfer

Given research on effective study skills, which one of the following techniques should you not recommend to a struggling student?

Take notes on a lecture only after it's over.



In the Four-P's model, what does the fourth P, Press, mean?

The relationship between human beings and their environment.

In divergent thinking tests, one measurement component is flexibility. What does flexibility measure?

Number of categories

What are the two core components in the definition of creativity?

Novelty and usefulness

Which one of the following statements about creativity teaching is more plausible than the others?

Creativity enhancement is a long-term effort

Which of the following models claims that we should consider things that are not related to creative skills when we want to make creativity happen in real-world?

Componential model


is an internal process.

According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, students must fulfill their _________ needs before they can achieve ________.

deficiency, self actualization

Which one of the following situations is a valid implication of Maslow's hierarchy for education?

Jennifer, who is feeling ill this week, may show little interest in academic performance.

___________ theories focus on the use of reinforcement for motivation.


The cognitive perspective on motivation emphasizes which of the following?

The student's internal motivation to achieve.

Which of the following best represents the social cognitive perspective?

Behavior is the result of cognitive factors, behavioral factors, and
environmental factors.

According to Self-Determination Theory, students are likely to be intrinsically motivated when their basic need(s) for _____________ are supported in the classroom environment.

A) autonomy
(B) relatedness
(C) competence
(D) all of the above <-- right answer

The concept of self-determination is an important influence in what view of motivation?


People who donate anonymously to charity are probably motivated by

intrinsic motivation

Which one of the following students is displaying extrinsic motivation?

Caryn wants to become a varsity soccer player so others will admire her.

Marc loves playing ping pong. When he plays with a friend, he concentrates intently on the game and tries very hard to win. He experiments with different shots (occasionally losing a game in the process) and eventually perfects a few shots that are extrem

He has a high need for approval.

Mrs. Daniels' students are building a model of the rainforest in the classroom. They are making trees using twisted, brown paper as well as a variety of tropical flowers and birds. What is Mrs. Daniels fostering in her students?

Problem-based learning

Anchored Instruction" emphasizes the importance of infusing real-world problems into the curriculum. Which of the following is an example of a real-world problem appropriate for academic content?

A) How cities can reduce population
(B) The United Nation's role in reducing world hunger (C) How to resolve a conflict of opinion
(D) All of the above <-- right answer

Which one of the following behaviors is one of the teacher's roles in problem-based learning?

Help students to reflect on their investigations.

Which one of the following is the best example of problem-based learning?

Using a map to find a "secret treasure" in a local park helps students acquire
new map-reading skills.

What is the name of the theory of motivation that focuses on how people explain the causes of their own successes and failures?

attribution theory