Which type of glands releases its secretion through a duct (9)

exocrine glands

Which type of gland releases its secretion directly into the blood(9)

endocrone glands

which type of hormones does not need a transport protein to help move it in the blood, but can only bind to receptors on the cell membrane (9)


most hormones are distributed throughout the body in the blood and as a result are called _________ hormones (9)


Which hormone stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce corticosteroids? (9)


which gland makes the hormone from the above question? (9)

Adrenal cortex

The term diabetes means a disorder where the individual produces a lot of urine. Diabetes insidious causes the production of a lot of very dilute urine and is causes by the lack of which important hormone (9)


Diabetes mellitus produces a lot of urine that is high glucose. Juvenile diabetes or type 1 diabetes mellitus is caused by a lack of which important hormone (9)


The hormone that is the antagonist of Insulin hormone normally raises blood sugar levels when they get to low. name this hormone (9)


Which hormone converts angitensinogen into angiotensin 1 (9)


What do T3,T4 regulate (9)


name the hormone that is released when blood calcium levels are too high? Where is this hormone made? (9)


Name the hormone that is released when blood calcium is to low? where is this hormone made (9)

parathyroid hormone
parathyroid gland

How does calcitonin hormone bring down calcium levels (9)

inhibits activity of osteoclasts
(bring calcium from the blood to the bones)

how does PTH bring up calcium levels (9)

stimulates osteoblast activity
(brings calcium into blood )

An individual with low specific gravity and high urine output should be checked for which type of diabetes? (17)

diabetes insipidus

An individual with both Ketonuria and glucosuria should be checked for what kind of diabetes? (17)

diabetes mellitus

what i the proper term for blood int he urine (17)


What normal event might give a false positive for blood, int he urine of females (17)


list two problems or disorders with symptoms of proteinuria. (17)

UTI and kidney trama

What is Graafian follicle (18)

The secondary follicle that has outgrown the other follicles and is continuing to grow and develop a well defined corona radiata that is filled with fluid

what phase do you see the Graafian follicle (18)

proliferative (PREOVULATION) phase

What is corpus luteum? what hormones does it produce? (18)

the remainder of the follicle that produces estrogen and progesterone

What phase do you see corpus lutem?

secondary (POST_OVULATION) phase

what is human chorionic gonadotropin and what phase of menstruation is it in? (18)

A hormone released if fertilization occurs that signals the corpus luteum to keep making estrogen and progesterone
-post ovulation phase

What do you need to get vital capacity (15)


What do you add to get total lung capacity (15)

VC + RV = LC

What bones make up the nasal septum (15)

vomer and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone

what bones is the hard palate made up of (15)

palatine bone and palatine process of maxilla

When you inhale what happens to the diaphragm and external intercostal muscle (15)

diaphragm - contracts and drops inferiorly
external intercostal muscles- lift chest superiorly and anterior.

What is Pepsin and what does it do

Pepsin is a protein-digestive enzyme that aids in digestion.
-it is the first step in chemical digestion of protines

what does intrinsic factor do and where is it found

-found in stomach
- its required for proper absorption of vitamin B12

What is the vestibular glands for? (18)

secreate mucus to lubricate the vestibule for intercourse