Feeding the World Vocab


the condition in which not enough calories are ingested to maintain health


having a diet that lacks the correct balance of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals

food security

a condition in which people have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs for an active and healthy life

food insecurity

a condition in which people do not have adequate access to food


the condition in which food insecurity is so extreme that large numbers of deaths occur in a given area over a relatively short period


a deficiency of iron


ingestion of too many calories and a lack of balance of foods and nutrients


livestock or poultry consumed as food

industrial agriculture

agriculture that applies techniques of mechanization and standardization. Also known as agribusiness

energy subsidy

the fossil fuel energy and human energy input per calorie of food produced

green revolution

a shift in agricultural practices in the twentieth century that included new management techniques, mechanization, fertilization, irrigation, and improved crop varieties, and that resulted in increased food output

economies of scale

the observation that average costs of production fall as output increases