Skeleton anatomy

What are the names of the bones on the arm/forarm?

Humerus, raduis, ulna

What are the names of the bones of the leg?

Tibia, fibula,femur

What are the bones of the wrist call?


Bones of the palm called?


What are the bones of the appendicular skeleton? How many are there?

Limbs 126

Names of the heel bone?


What are the bones on the shoulder girdle?

Clavicle and scapula

What are the pelvic girdle?

Lleum ischium and pubis

What can the study of the skeleton tell you about its formerly living being?

Sex age diet trauma

Generally when does degeneration change in the skeleton begin?

Around 40

What is the longest heaviest bone of the body?


What is the function of the body?

Supports, protects movement, storage for minerals, blood formation

What are the 3 functions classification of joints? What do these names mean?

Synarthrosis immovable
Amphiorthrasis slightly move able
Diarthrosis moveable

What types of joints are in the verebral space?

Skull fibrous
Shoulder and knee synorial