Styles of Cap Opening

Styles of cap openings

1. Perfection
2. Single hinged panel
3. Slip panel (slip top)


A casket in which the rim (ogee), crown, and pies are formed as one unit and which raises as one piece.

Perfection Full Couch

Single one-piece cap. Opens as a unit.
1. Eternity Bed
2. Priest Casket
3. Reverse Hinge

Eternity Bed

Similar to the full couch but contains no inner foot panel.
A blanket covers the lower portion of the deceased.

Priest Casket

A casket in which the entire lid may be removed to view the body.

Reverse Hinge

The body is viewed from the deceased left side instead of the right.

Perfection Half Couch

Cap in two pieces, may be opened individually.

Single hinged panel (single hinged cap)

Small openings, ogee does not open, just upper edge.

Slip panel (slip top)

No hinges, you must remove entire top of casket.