Excel Chapter 1

AutoCalculate area

can be used in place of a calculator or formula to view the sum, average, or other types of totals of a group of numbers on the worksheet

AutoCorrect feature

Corrects common mistakes when you complete a text entry in a cell

automatically updated properties

The date you change a file is an example of a(n) ____ property.


thick and heavy typeface

Cancel box

Cancels an entry by tapping or clicking

category names

Identifies the slices in a pie chart

chart sheet

A separate sheet in the workbook that stores a chart

copy area

cells that you copy when you want to paste data into another location. After you copy cells, a moving border appears around them to indicate that they've been copied.

data series

A group of related information in a column o

destination area

Range of cells receiving the copy

document properties

Information about the presentation file including title, author, and keywords.

Edit mode

Helps replace certain parts of the cell's content.

Enter box

Where do you click in Microsoft to select a cell

equal sign

When keying a formula in a spreadsheet, what must you key to inform the program that you are entering

fill handle

The small black square in the lower right corner of a selected cell


The typeface or design of the text.

font color

Defines the color of characters

font size

The measurement of the typeface in points (1 point = 1/72 of an inch).

font style

Emphasis added to text such as underline, bold, italics, etc.


To define the visual appearance of the value of a cell, block, row, column, or the entire spreadsheet.

green computing

Environmentally conscious computing consisting of three major components: power management, virtualization, and e-waste management.

hard copy

A permanent copy of information usually in the form of a printout

in-cell editing

editing directly in the cell

insert mode

In this default mode, when you enter new text in front of existing text, the existing text shifts to the right to make room for the new text.

insertion point

A blinking vertical line that indicates where the next character typed will be placed.


involves creating a single cell by combining two or more selected cells

minus sign



Used for the general display of numbers. You can specify the number of decimal places that you want to use, whether you want to use a thousands separator, and how you want to display negative numbers.

Overtype mode

The method of operation used to replace existing text in a document with new text.

paste area

The target destination for data that has been cut or copied using the Office Clipboard.

point size

the measurement, or size of a font (text); each point is approximately 1/72 of an inch


A hard copy


Selection of two or more cells.

relative reference

When copying values in Microsoft Excel, which feature automatically adjusts cell references for the new copy location?


the process by which one can pick out different encoding for encoding

source area

the cell ranges that you consolidate in the destination area you specify



standard properties

Associated with all Microsoft Office files and include author, title, subject

SUM function

A built-in calculation used to add a range of values together.

