International Relations 1

3 variants of constructivism

neoclassical, post-modernist, scientific realist

construct variant that focuses on intersubjective meanings, committed to social science, skeptical of universal "laws" of society


construct variant that is skeptical of social science, focus on LANGUAGE as a key structure, you CANNOT assess validity of analytical and ethical knowledge claims


construct variant that shifts attention to social structure, identities, but use traditional social science methods. believes in both observable and non-observable aspects of world

scientific realist

modern mainstream variant of construct


critical variant of construct


naturalist variant of construct

scientific realist

3 variants of classical liberalism

institutional liberalism, commercial liberalism, sociological liberalism

variant of classical lib that believes democracies are conducive to peace

institutional liberalism

variant of classical lib that believes market economies and trade are conducive to peace

commercial liberalism

variant of classical lib that believes increased interaction is conducive to peace

sociological liberalism

4 Kinds of State Level Theories

Political Culture, Political Institution, Economic, Domestic Political Cleavage

2 variants of neorealism

defensive, offensive

4 levels of analysis

individual, state, group, system

- relying on immediate examples that come to person's mind

availability bias

Scripts, Personae; affects choices of analogies

representativeness bias

anectdote more vivid than statistics

vividness bias

theory that People's tendency to strongly prefer avoiding losses to acquire gains

prospect theory

error that the tendency for people to place an undue emphasis on internal characteristics (personality) to explain someone else's behavior in a given situation rather than considering the situation's external conditions

fundamental attribution error

bias that refers to the systematic errors made when people evaluate or try to find reasons for their own and others' behaviors.

attribution bias