Food and Energy

Why do we need food?

-food provides you body with materials for growing and repaering tissues
-food provides energy for everything you do
-food helps body maintain homeostasis

What are nutrients?

the substances in food that provide the raw materials and energy the body needs to carry out is essential processes

What the six groupd of nutrients necessary for human health?


What is a calorie?

-one calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree celsius
-the more calories a food has, the more energy it contains

Burning calories

-your current growth and level of physical activity affect the the number of calories you need now
-the more active you are, the greater your energy needs are

What are carbohydrates composed of?


What do carbohydrates provide?

provide energy anf the raw materials to make cell parts

What two catagories can carbohydrates be divided into?

simple and complex

What are simple carbohydrates?

-they are sugars
-glucose is the major source of energy for your body's cells

What are complex carbohydrates?

-they are many sugar molecules linked together in a chain
-starch is found in foods from plants
-starch, in order to be an energy source, needs to break down into smaller individual sugar molecules

What are fats?

-fats are energy containing nutrients that are composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen
-provide energy
-form part of cell membrane
-fatty tissue protects and supports your internal organs and insulates your body

How are fats classified?

-unsaturated(usually liquid at room temperature, beneficial)
-saturated(usually solid at room temperature, unhealthy)

What are trans fats?

-made by adding hydrogen to vegetable oils
-allows foods to stay fresh longer
-banned in some states

What is cholesterol?

-waxy fat like substance found only in animal products
-important part of body cells
-liver produces the amount you need
-unneccessary part of diet

Why are fats and cholesterols bad?

lead to a build up of fatty material in blood vessels and cause heart disease

What are proteins?

-nutrients that contain nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
-needed for tissue growth and repair
-play important part in chemical reactions within cells

What are amino acids?

-proteins are made up of these small units
-linked together chemically to form large protein molecules
-body makes half of the amino acids it needs, the rest comes from diet

What is a complete protein?

-foods containing all the essential amino acids
-ex. foods from animal sources, meat and eggs

What is an incomplete protein?

-foods that are missing one or more essential amino acids
-ex. foods from plant sources, beans, grains, and nuts